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The girls stood up applause sounding loudly as the won the best girl group globally. Jackson and the rest of the boys standing proud of their girls. The camera followed Irene who's eyes remained lowered as she reached the stage. She was handed the award before giving it joy who smiled, as the bouquet was handed to Yeri. The girls crowded around Irene, who smiled slightly. "1 2 3 happiness..we are RedVelvet..." cheers erupted as the girls held each other's hands. Irene took a deep breath looking out into the arena as fans shouted their fan chant. They looked at each other somewhat in disbelief. Irene begun. "Before I start..I'm just going to detach myself from these girls for a minute." They looked at her confused as she turned her back to the audience facing the girls, mic in hand as she smiled at them. "We have been together for 11 years...11 beautiful years where we have grown and conquered together. The road hasn't always been easy, it's taken a lot of hard work to stand where we are as the nations pride, but I couldn't think of a better combination of girls to share this with. You have made my job as leader easy, when I ask for something you guys do it and you do it because of your trust and faith in me, and over the years my trust has built within you guys. You've become my family when my own turned their back on me. You have walked every stretch of my personal journey holding my hand and being a silent support when I was adamant that I didn't need anyone. You were there throughout everything with Jay when I was being a pain and you picked up the pieces of my heart when it broke. You became family by becoming mothers to Jay when he didn't have a Dad...you helped me raise him into the beautiful boy that he is and It wouldn't have been possible without any of you. People say my leadership is what holds this together but they are wrong. You guys hold me together. You make me want to be the very best version of myself and it's through the four of you that I've found my best friends. And it's a privilege to share this limelight with you all. Thank you."  They looked at each other smiling, huddling into a group as they hugged people standing in respect of them. Irene turned around drying her tears. "These few years haven't been easy for any of us. But through SM we were given a beautiful family who have supported us none stop. Thank you for the hard work that you have all put in over the years to enable to us to stand in front of you with such a high status. And finally we want to say a big thank you our fans, those who have been there since day one and those who recently joined. Thank you for loving us, thank you for letting us do what we love and thank you for giving us this platform that we try to use for the betterment of our world. Thank you." She said her voice finally cracking as Jay ran up onto the stage. Irene crouched down as his arms wrapped around her tightly, she grabbed onto him. She separated moments later, taking the mic into her hands. "I want to thank you little man. They say behind every successful man there's a woman, but I'm different. Behind me, behind this successful woman there's a beautiful boy, there's you. I hope that as you watch me you see a role model that you are proud off. Thank you for making my life easier to bare, thank you for being the worlds best son. I'm so happy that god gifted me you. You have the best parts of both me and your dad, and I'm relived that you have his heart..." she paused watching as Jay cried. "Don't cry baby." She said as he hugged her again. Jackson watched, his own eyes filling with tears. "I love you." She said finishing off. "I love you too mum." He replied as he hugged her again. Irene stood with him in her arms as the girls huddled around them in a group hug. This was their family. Family for eternity.

Twenty minutes later they were geared up to perform, the music playing for psycho that had everyone singing and dancing along. Everyone was captivated by the girls, that fact hadn't change and never would. Irene winked at the camera, Jackson feeling his heart skip a beat as he watched her. She was stunning. Wearing a white dress that had intricate work done, her beauty doing it justice. Her lips coated in a dark maroon shade that he had always loved. He watched as the lights dimmed, her voice carrying through as the girls moved of the stage.

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