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basic bitch
salutations ciara

dami's number neighbor

basic bitch
okay your friendly neighborhood
tim does NOT feel welcomed

dami's number neighbor
okay and are we still waiting
for my fuck to fly down magically
into my hands ?

basic bitch
rude 🙄🙄
i was abt to say u were fun to
talk to yesterday but nvm then

dami's number neighbor
as flattered as i am for you to say
that i was a pleasure to talk with but
dont you have fairies to talk to

basic bitch
. . . what

dami's number neighbor
are you too old for cosmo and
wanda now??
well this is awkward

basic bitch
are you
are you making a mockery
of me because my name is
in that children's show

dami's number neighbor

basic bitch
first or all,
not a timmy

dami's number neighbor
timmy timothy tomathy tamothy
same thing

basic bitch
who the fuck names their kid tamothy

dami's number neighbor
people who aren't basic

dami's number neighbor
why are u texting me anyways
i told u to fuck off didn't i?

basic bitch
because it was fun talking
to you last time
[ this message was deleted ]

basic bitch
cause u were online and i wanted to
annoy someone

dami's number neighbor
go annoy that dami kid

basic bitch
no he'll stab me if i stand in his
mere presence

dami's number neighbor
so basically i'm just entertainment for u now ?
geez you have a basic name AND you're a player
how many struggles do u even HAVE
im in pain

basic bitch
you literally made fun of me for
having a basic name a few minutes ago

dami's number neighbor
this is different tomothy
why did you get cosmo and wanda anyways
i'm clearly the better option

basic bitch
im starting to regret texting you now

dami's number neighbor
well you're too far deep in now
bitch boy
once you've piqued my interest
there's no backing out now

basic bitch
are u taking an interest in me now?
stop it with the flattery im blushing 😍

dami's number neighbor
and lucky for me i have too high
of a standard to even be interested in you

basic bitch
really now ?
and those standards would be ??

dami's number neighbor
if you don't have nightwing's
ass then you're not even good enough
to be a candidate

basic bitch
i'm gonna be truthful,
that's a pretty impossible standard

dami's number neighbor
exactly why i'm single

basic bitch
u virgin pure

dami's number neighbor
unlike you i stan god

basic bitch
whatever you say babe

dami's number neighbor
okay so is that my cue to call
authorities now
im pretty sure when an old man
uses a pet name on you that's a gigantic
red flag

basic bitch
i'm not an old man
i'm like 17

dami's number neighbor
imagine being 17 that's so old
lmao jk im like the same age

basic bitch
imagine being a hypocrite
that's so lame

dami's number neighbor
ok boomer 🙄

basic bitch
fuck you ciara💔

too bad tamothy❤️

SAUDADE. chapter two
by svhltee.

SAUDADE,     tim drakeWhere stories live. Discover now