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TODAY WAS THE DAY. It was the day Tim would go to Ciara's house, a large bouquet in hand as he apologized. He formulated apologies that could fill books; libraries even. A simple habit he brought up among his time as Red Robin for his reckless brothers.

Tim being nervous was simply an understatement. Anxious thoughts ran through his mind as he thought of every scenario that was even possible of happening. It weighed on top of him like the weight of the world.

He stared into the mirror that was covered in used clothes, outfits he had just thrown to the side as he worked till exhaustion reeked across his body. Today might be the most dressed he is; aside from important meetings and galas, of course. Tim sighed, brooding. (A little habit he picked up from the big bat.)

A knock shot him out from his thoughts. He turned around so quickly he might have gotten whiplash as his eyes traveled to the door. His sunken eyes was met with piercing, blue one. "Bruce?" Tim spoke softly, his brow raised.

"Who's the bouquet for Tim?" Bruce asked, crossing his arms firmly against his chest. He leaned against the door frame with a raised brow. Tim looked down at the large bouquet in hand before hiding it behind him, even if Bruce had already seen it. The older male simply chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "Let me guess, a girl?" Bruce smiled. Tim opened his mouth to retaliate, only to have stopped as nothing came out. A simple sigh left his lips, letting Bruce figure things by himself like the world's greatest detective he is. "Is this about that Ciara the media was talking about?"

"Yeah, no shit." Tim mumbled. Bruce raised a brow, gazing at Tim in confusion. "First, the others didn't even like the thought of Ciara like- like she's some sort of cult leader or something!" He groaned, words just spewing out his mouth as Tim paced around the room. "Then the media just brought out her name from just a sliver of a conversation and now everyone's just judging her! They don't even know her! And I- She's ignoring me for something I didn't even know would happen! I just-" Tim groaned loudly as frustration radiated off of him, the bouquet of flowers just lying on the bed, not too far from him. Silence engulfed the room as everything stood still. A sudden dip in the bed beside him made him look to his side. Bruce sat beside him, staring blankly at a wall.

"Words aren't exactly my best skill." Bruce sighed. Tim simply snorted, as if he was saying 'yeah, no shit.' only to quickly mutter an apology as Bruce stared at him with brows furrowed. Bruce simply chuckled at Tim, amusement laced in his laugh. "I'm pretty sure everyone just wants you to not end up like me. With all of my relationships on and off for months, most of those girls none of you liked because they were 'fake', that time I got engaged," A short pause. "the first time." A small, sad chuckle left Tim's lips. "What I'm trying to get is, they're worried that whoever this girl is would just use you for what you are, not who you are."

"They would want someone who would be there for you so you wouldn't end up as emotionally constipated like me. They're just trying to look out for you in the only way they can." Bruce spoke, wise laced in each and every word.

"And for the media and your friend Ciara just leaving out of nowhere, she might not be used to comments we get so very often. The media is rude, maybe harsh. Which is why everything we say might be used to turn against us. To us, we might be used to it. But to her, it might get overwhelming. It's normal for other people to react the way she did."

Tim stayed silent. Not a single word escaped his lips. A simple sigh was all Bruce heard as Tim buried his face in his hands. "I don't know anymore. I just really, really like her, Bruce." Tim sighed, guilt welling up in his chest as he can't help that it was simply his fault for all of this. "We haven't even met but it feels like we've known each other for years. It's just so refreshing talking with her cause I don't have to think about being a vigilante or a billionaire. She makes me forget everything else in the world and just, lets me feel like some teen again." His muffled voice could be barely made out by Bruce, yet he placed a comforting hand on his adoptive son's shoulder. Tim peeked from between his fingers as he stared at Bruce who had a deep look on his face, as though he was planning out what to say.

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