We Got A Job

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Author's  P.O.V 

Sabrina woke up to the muffled sound of Led Zeppelin and the smell of pancakes, she rolled put of bed and went to grab Raven but she was gone, assuming Dean had already gotten her up she shrugged it off and following the wonderful smell to the kitchen...

"Morning Gorgeous" Dean smiled, feeling Sabrina's arms wrapped around his waist from behind "Ya know, ya could've woke me and I could've help you" Sabrina said, seeing Dean was feeding Raven while making pancakes as the boys waited patiently at the table for their blueberry pancakes "I have everything under control. If I would've needed help I would've came and got you" Dean replied "Why are the boys already dressed?" Sabrina asked "Charlie is coming to get them and Raven, she's gonna take them to the park so you and I can have some alone time" Dean replied, plating the pancakes. "Can I go through your phone?" Sabrina asked, this took Dean by surprise, Sabrina had never asked to go through his phone "Is everything okay?" He asked "Yeah" Sabrina smiled "It's on the table" Dean shrugged.

Sabrina walked over to the table and grabbed Dean's phone, unlocking it she went straight to his contacts, then his messages and lastly his gallery which was loaded with pictures of her and the kids and a few of himself that he hadn't deleted yet "Ooo Dean... You naughty naughty boy" Sabrina chuckled, sending the ones of him to herself just in case she didn't have them yet, they weren't anything terribly raunchy though, the "worst" was him just out of the shower with a towel around his waist "When did you take these?" She asked "This morning" Dean replied with a wink as he gave the boys their pancakes...

"The boys get a bath?" Sabrina asked "Yes Ma'am... The boys and Raven got a bath" Dean answered "Look at you go" Sabrina grinned "Did you find my energy drinks?" She chuckled "No, I found you sleeping soundly and having a rough couple of months" Dean replied "Ah, you're sucking up or you want something" Sabrina smirked "No" Dean chuckled "Well... I do want something but I can get that when I want" He smirked "Oh, really now?" She said, biting her lip "Yeah... and you know exactly what it is" Dean replied...

*Time Skip*

After Charlie picked up the kids, Sabrina took off to her and Dean's bedroom with Dean on her heels. Dean grabbed Sabrina from behind and pulled her to him, earning a giggle from her "That's not faaaiirrr" Sabrina whined "Not my fault you tripped over your own two feet" Dean chuckled, kissing her neck.

Dean turned Sabrina around and picked her up as he pushed her back against the wall "Dean" Sabrina said in a breathy moan, resting one  hand on his shoulder and the other on his neck "I'm gonna take you so high, you're never gonna come down" Dean hummed against Sabrina's neck, the vibration sent shivers down her spine, she tried to bite back her moans but the sudden movement against her hips took her by surprise causing her to almost scream. Dean's hands found their way to the nubs on Sabrina's back "Dean, No" Sabrina said "Dean, yes" Dean smirked, as he massaged the nubs between his fingers, causing her wings to pop out. "You are going to be screaming by the time I get done with you" Dean growled "Hmm, that's gonna have to wait lover boy, we got a job" Sabrina replied, pushing Dean away "What?" Dean asked "Bobby called earlier, said it's a possible shapeshifter a couple states over" Sabrina said "Charlie said she'd stay here with the boys" She went on as Dean put her down so they could get ready to leave...

Dean noticed as Sabrina walked away, she was staggering a bit "Babe, you okay?" Dean asked "Yeah, I uh... I'll be fine" Sabrina replied, she struggled to get her wings back in but eventually got it, Dean brushed it off for now, not wanting to make her mad...

They got in the car and Sabrina laid her head in Dean's lap, looking up at him "Dean" Sabrina said quietly, Dean hummed in acknowledgement keeping his eyes on the road "I know I said I was fine and I know I might have scared you but my head was spinning and it still is... It's starting to scare me" Sabrina said "Why didn't you say anything before we left?" Dean asked "Because I didn't think it would last this long, it doesn't normally" Sabrina replied "This has happened before?" He asked "Yeah, every time I use my powers" Sabrina said quietly "And you've failed to mention this" Dean snapped "I'm sorry, I didn't want you to worry" Sabrina whispered, sitting up and moving to the passenger side. "Tell me about the case" Dean said, changing the subject "Three girls went missing in Salt Lake City, Utah about three days ago all by the same man but supposedly said man, (their father) was in Upstate New York on a business trip" Sabrina explained "Could just be a crazy person" Dean stated "No, Bobby doesn't think so... Because the paper article goes on to say, Donald James was acting like the handcuffs were burning his wrists and Bobby called the business that Donald worls for and they said that he had been there for the past week" Sabrina replied "So either shifter or ghoul" She said "Shifter seems more logical, I mean a ghoul could act like a shapeshifter but the silver wouldn't hurt them and they have to eat the thing they turn into" Dean replied "Then let's start with that" Sabrina smiled...

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