All Together... Finally

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For a good year and a half the Winchesters all were gone a lot. They were all very stressed, having barely anytime to rest or any time to spend with the kids. Finally, they were all headed home for the first time in a while. Dean let Sabrina ride shotgun and Sam sat in the back with Avery...

"Dean" Sabrina whispers, Dean hums in acknowledgement "How much further?" She asks quietly. "Six hours Kitten, get some sleep" Dean smiles "No I was just asking, I'm not tired" Sabrina replies trying to hold back a yawn "Uh huh" Dean chuckles, knowing she was actually extremely tired, she just didn't want to admit it because, in Dean's words "She's a little shit" Dean wraps an arm around her and pulls her closer to him, knowing she'll be asleep soon...

Sam and Avery on the other hand were sitting on opposite sides of the car, due to an argument they had, but we won't go into that right now... "Princess" Sam whispers, getting no response Sam scoots over to Avery and pulls her into his arms "I'm sorry... You were right" Sam whispers "Uh huh" Was all Avery replied with, Sam sighed but nonetheless tightened his grip on his wife...

*Time Skip*

Arriving home Dean carries a sleeping Sabrina into the house, Sam tries to do the same with Avery but she's not having it. She had forgave him the minute it happened but she wasn't done being mad yet.

Dean had laid Sabrina down on the couch so he could go get the bed ready but was stopped by Raven who was extremely upset

"Hey, what's wrong Baby?" Dean asks "I missed you and you weren't paying attention to me" Raven cries, reaching for Dean "Baby, we had to work. You know we still love you and we're gonna spend as much time with you as we can, we're even gonna take some time off... Bobby's orders" Dean smiles as he picks Raven up and holds her close. Sabrina starts to wake up hearing her daughter crying "Hey what's wrong?" Sabrina says quietly "She's upset cause we've been gone so long" Dean replies "Awe, come here" Sabrina sighs, sitting up. Dean sits on the couch beside Sabrina where they all fell asleep. Raven still in Dean's arms, Sabrina leaning against Dean with her arms wrapped around them both...

Meanwhile Sam and Avery were upstairs fighting...

"I can't fucking believe you didn't say something!" Sam shouts "I didn't know!!" Avery shouts back "Oh yeah I'm sure you didn't" Sam rolls his eyes "Sam the only time I had went to the doctor is for the kids and Dad was taking them so there was no fucking way for me to get tested!! We have been working non-stop for the past fucking year and a half I haven't had time!!" "Ya know what, fuck this, fuck you, I'm going for a walk" Avery says, grabbing her jacket and gun and making her way out of the house. Sam didn't dare stop her knowing she wouldn't stop anyway so there was no point...

Avery's P.O.V

"Why do I even try anymore" I say to myself. About an hour into my walk my phone starts repeatedly going off, Sabrina and Dean were asleep on the couch when I left so I knew it was Sam so I continued to ignore him for at least another hour.

Once Sam got to the point of calling me I decided to go ahead and answer

(A) "What?"

(S) "Come home Baby, I'm sorry. I should have listened to you, I know you haven't had time to go get tested just please come home so I know you're safe"

(A) "I'm on my way home now"

(S) "Good... I'm so sorry Baby"

(A) "Yeah, me too"

(S) "It's not your fault Baby, I should have shut up and listened to you, I guess I just got scared because the first time you lost one and I just don't want that to happen again"

(A) "Sam I had four at one time, this is only one. It's quite common for that to happen with more than one baby, I promise I'll be okay"

(S) "You won't be hunting for a while, I hope you know"

(A) "I know Baby"

(S) "Do you want me to come get you?"

(A) "That would be amazing"

(S) "Where are you?"

(A) "The city limit sign"

(S) "Jesus woman"

(A) "I didn't actually think I walked this far"

(S) "Well apparently ya did, I'll be there in 20 minutes"

(A) "Okay, be careful"

(S) "I love you"

(A) "I love you too"


Once Sam got to me I got in the car and kissed his cheek "I'm sorry for walking out like that" I say quietly "Don't be, you needed some time" Sam smiles...

"So... Baby four" Sam says quietly "Baby four" I smile rubbing my tiny baby bump "Bring it" Sam smiles "Ya know he's gonna be a pain in the ass just like his Daddy" I giggle "He?" Sam asks "Or she" I smile...

Once we got home we went straight up to bed, ready to sleep in our own bed for the first time in a while. I was the first to lay down after changing and brushing my teeth, I laid there waiting on Sam to come to bed, assuming he had decided to shower...

I guess I had dozed off a bit because the next thing I know, I'm being pulled back to Sam's chest "Goodnight Baby" Sam whispers "Goodnight" I smile, falling back to sleep...

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