Girls Day

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Thank you so much little4life_ for writing most of this!


It had been about a week or so since Dean and Sabrina had their date night and Sabrina and Avery had both woken up in a mood, Sam and Dean took note of this and let them have their space, for the most part, knowing Avery was pregnant and it was probably "that time of the month" for Sabrina.

Avery was due any day now and she was EXTREMELY irritable.

Here's how the Morning started...


"Hey, Babygirl," Sam says softly and walks up to Avery and tries to kiss her cheek.

"Don't touch me" Avery snaps and puts her hand over Sam's lips.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Sam asks, shocked by this action.

"You forgot my hot Cheetos and my chocolates AND you promised to watch a movie with me last night but nooo you were in the den playing video games with Dean!" Avery says and goes to walk away or well as best she can.

"Okay for the record you were asleep by the time we had all finally gotten settled and I didn't want to wake you up because you hadn't slept so sound in so long! And don't say I didn't try to wake you up because I did" Sam snaps and walks the other way.

"Oh ya whatever!" Avery snaps and walks towards the bedroom and tries to climb up the steps but soon realizes she can't so she huffs and walks outside.

"Fine fucking leave then!!" Sabrina snaps at Dean and shoves him back away from the porch, only pissing him off more.

"What is your problem!? What did I ever do to deserve being yelled at like this!" Dean snaps.

"Oh I don't know... you let my fucking kids go off with someone I don't know and then tell me NOT to worry... You didn't even tell me they were going and then you left me and Avery do fucking clean up dinner while you went downstairs to the den and Sam was at the store!"

"Ok, I understand you're pissed at me about the dinner thing I get that!!  I am sorry I messed up! But we all make mistakes! And as for the Other thing, they are not just YOUR kids they are both of ours !! And if I deem the guy safe then that should be enough for you to trust me I am not gonna let our kids go off with someone I didn't trust, you know I love them and I would never let anybody that I don't know or trust anywhere near them. " Dean says and grips a fist full of his hair and closes his eyes trying to calm down.

"Your mother made a mistake when she had you," Sabrina says under her breath but loud enough for Dean to hear it.

Hearing this Dean feels his blood boil and smacks Sabrina in the face "that wasn't even cool" Dean says and walks into the house.

Shocked Dean had hit her out of anger her eyes fill with tears at the stinging in her cheek as she looks at Avery, not sure what to do. She knew it was because of what she said but she didn't expect him to hit her for it.

Seeing this Avery's hormones when through the roof and she charges inside, surprisingly fast for a pregnant lady, and marches right up to Dean and pushes him "why the fuck did you hit her!? I understand what she said was messed up but you didn't need to hit her!" Avery snaps "If I weren't pregnant I would beat your ass for smacking her"

Dean goes to smack Avery but is able to stop himself this time. "I'm sorry" He sighs "I shouldn't have hit her in the first place but something in me snapped and I couldn't stop. That's why I walked away so I didn't do anything worse" Dean says, not making eye contact with anyone.

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