New Home pt. 2

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I woke up in Dean's arms, my bare back against his warm chest. I rolled over, finding Dean awake "Good morning" He smiles "Good morning" I replied quietly, knowing the kids are sleeping "Are you feeling better?" Dean asked "Yeah actually... a lot better" I smile "Good, I think you'll like the guests" Dean winked "Is it Jody and the Girls?" I asked "Nope, I'm not telling" Dean replied, sitting up. "I hate you" I glared, I sat up but soon realized I couldn't move yet, having moved the bed against the wall "Why did we do this?" I asked, glaring at the wall "So we'd have room for the kids" Dean chuckled "Well I don't like it, can we at least move it out enough for me to walk between the wall?" I asked "I had to climb over you because I had to pee and you of all people know, the last thing my clumsy ass needs to be doing is climbing." "I'm sure we can but we'll do it when the kids get up" Dean chuckled...

Dean and I spent a little more time in bed just enjoying each other's company "Bobby said that the cleaning people are coming in this afternoon to clean the house and then they're moving everything in tomorrow" Dean said quietly "I thought they came in last night?" I said with a confused look "They were supposed but they called last night and moved it to today so we're over here for another couple nights" Dean explained, I only nodded and laid my head on his shoulder...

A minute or two later, the kids crawled up and told us they were hungry, Dean grabbed the boys and I grabbed Raven, we all went downstairs. The first thing Raven done when I put her down was run to Bobby...

I looked over to see Avery crying "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask "Hayden is sick, he's running a fever and won't stop crying" Avery replied through her tears "You've been up all night" I say, positive she hadn't slept any "You and Sam go to bed, I'll take care of him" I smile, taking Hayden from Avery

"Come on Baby, we're gonna break this fever" I say to the small child in my arms. I gently lay my hand on his face "Gosh, you're on fire" I whisper "Does anyone plan on showering?" I ask, everyone said no so I took Hayden up to the bathroom and turned the shower on as hot as it would go, I sat on the toilet with the baby still in my arms. I held onto him tightly as he cried "I know" I whisper, rocking back and forth...

45 minutes and 8 bottles of water for me and a half an 8oz bottle of pedialyte later, Hayden's fever finally broke and he went to sleep. I let out a sigh of relief and quietly walked back downstairs after shutting the water off.

"Any luck?" Dean asked "His fever broke and he's alseep. I'm gonna put him up in our room so he can actually sleep" I say quietly, Dean nodded, kissing my cheek "How are you feeling?" He asks "Better" I smile "No headache, no morning sickness?" "Dean, I'm not pregnant" I chuckle "You don't know that" Dean smiles "That'd be a great coming home present though" He winks, I only roll my eyes and go into the kitchen...

"Oh my god..."

To be continued...


It ain't much but here's a little something, I'm working on trying to get a normal upload schedule but I'm not getting to far with school and everything else... Hope you enjoyed it though

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