Later that day...


@harry5SOSfan: Luke u there?

@Luke5SOS: OMG Harry you scared me. Are u okay? I'm sorry I asked you that earlier ☹️

@harry5SOSfan: No I'm sorry I reacted like that. I just freaked out. I don't like to talk about it, actually I really don't have anyone to talk about so I freaked out....

@harry5SOSfan: I'm sorry Luke.

@Luke5SOS: It's okay. Let's talk about something else, okay? 🙂

@Luke5SOS: Sounds okay 🙂

@herry5SOSfan: Why did you decide to talk to me?

@Luke5SOS: well I read your dms and I got a little curious or more like worried?

@harry5sosfan: Oh...

@Luke5SOS: yeah...anyway, how old are you, Harry?

@harry5SOSfan: how do you know my name?

@harry5SOSfan: ohhh...

@harry5SOSfan: well I'm 18 almost 19.

@Luke5SOS: Interesting... where do you live?

@harry5SOSfan: well I'm originally from the UK, but I'm living in Los Angeles California.

@Luke5SOS: The UK? Where is that?

@harry5SOSfan: well it's part of Europe but it's located in the north-west of mainland Europe, next to Ireland. 🙂

@Luke5SOSfan: well I hope I could go there someday 🙂

@harry5SOSfan: you should, it's very beautiful and peaceful... 🙂

@Luke5SOS: really? then why did you move?

@harry5SOSfan: well I didn't want to study there. I wanted to come to Cali for college, so I asked for a loan

@harry5SOSfan: and now I'm here, living my dream🙂

@Luke5SOS: wow. good for you Haz. Can I call you that?

@harry5SOSfan: haha sure 🙂 only if you let me call you lucas? 😏

@Luke5SOS: ugh fine, anything for you Haz 🙂 xx

@harry5SOSfan: aww cutiee! 🙂 xx

@Luke5SOS: I'm not cute! 🥺

@harry5SOSfan: ofc not lucas 🙂 xx

@Luke5SOS: u r such a tease 🙄

@harry5SOSfan: aww come on, you know you like it 😉😏

@Luke5SOS: yeah yeah. Hey listen Haz, I have to go now but I'll talk to you later, kay?

@harry5SOSfan: kay 🙂

@Luke5SOS: Gn Harry 🙂 xx

@harry5SOSfan: Gn Luke xx

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