Coming back home

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I have been gone for about two weeks on a business trip in Tokyo. I just really hope Harry is in a good mood. He hasn't been himself lately. And to be honest, it's scaring me. It's not like he has turned abusive, he's just has different opinions on things now. And he's changed a little in some ways. And it's really scaring me.

We have been together for four years now, and we have been engaged for eight months. Three months into our engagement, he woke up a different man. I tried not to think much of it. I thought that maybe he was just nervous because we started to plan our wedding. But whenever he had time off and we had plans. He would just blow me off. He would say that it was work related and he couldn't put it off.

I believed him because he had my trust. Especially with his band's new album coming out, it definitely had to be work related. So I started to see him less and more less throughout his time off of tour. I was used to not seeing for months but not like this. Not, to him never being home unless it was him showering or sleeping. He was always out or at home, sleeping.

Of course it worried me. We were slowly fading away and it was starting to scare me. I tried denying that we were slowly fading away. I refused to believe it. I love him so much, so much that I don't want to lose him. Because I know that if I do, I won't be able to be the same. I won't be able to get my heart back. I won't be able to have or feel same feelings I have for him with another. They are much too strong.

The cab had finally pulled up in front of my home, well mine and Harry's home. I wonder if he's home. I really hope so. His car is parked in the driveway, but he may not be home. I opened the door and dragged in my suitcase behind me. I called out to Harry but I got no answer.

I walked into our room and there he is, half naked and sleeping. I pulled my coat off. Took my heels and jeans off. I crawled up to Harry in bed and started to kiss his collarbones softly. He slowly got up and pushed me away a little. I wasn't expecting that but then again, I don't know what to expect from him anymore.

(Italic: Adriana / Bold: Harry)

"Harry, what's wrong?" He sighs "Look, let's not make this complicated please. Let's just keep it simple?" What is he talking about? "What are you saying? Harry, what is it that you are trying to say?"

He gets up from the bed and puts on his black skinny jeans. He starts searching for a shirt in the closet. He doesn't even answer me. He finally turns around and he sighs again.

"What I'm trying to say is, we should probably have a little space." "Space?" "Yes, space"

Is he asking me for a break. Oh gosh, has our relationship really been that bad? I knew that it hasn't been how it use to be but I didn't think it was this bad...

"Adriana, look. All I'm saying is we should take it slow. All this wedding planning is stressing me out."

I don't really get was he wants but for some reason I do. We have been together for four years, what does he mean by slow? But the wedding planning has been stressful. So I guess he means take it slow on the planning?

"Okay. We can take it slow. If that's what you want." "Thanks love. I have a meeting. I have to get going, so don't wait up. Love you." He kissed my forehead and left. I didn't even get a proper kiss.

I got up, showered and went straight to bed afterwards. I skipped on eating dinner. I was too exhausted.


Okay I would like to apologize for being a shitty writer and being shitty on updating. The other books will be on hold until I get out of writers block. I am so sorry for that. But I really hope you guys like this one. I have so much plan for this one. I kind of got One Direction's song, Clouds to give me the idea for this story. So I hope you like it.

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