Things won't change

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I woke up to an empty bed. I'm not surprised. But I knew Harry came home last night and slept next to me because his side of the bed was messy and his black dress shirt was there. I got up and went straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

I walked downstairs to see if Harry was probably here. And to see if he wanted breakfast. Sure enough he was sitting on the stool by the island in the kitchen and drinking some tea.

I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. He kissed my cheek and I walked up to the fridge

"Harry, are you hungry? Do you want me to make you something to eat?" "I'm actually not that hungry but could you make me an omelette?" I started to take the ingredients out for his omelette. "By the way I made you a cuppa, it's right by the stove" "Thank you, love"

I handed Harry his omelette and I sat down right next to him with my tea and toast. We didn't really talk but the silence wasn't awkward it was actually peaceful. I was staring out of kitchen window. And I could see that it was sunny outside for once. Today would be a good day to explore.

"Hey, you aren't busy today, are you?" "Hmm, no not that I know of? Why?" "Well I was thinking that we can probably go visit Primrose Hill and have a picnic? How does that sound?"

He turned around and looked at me. I wasn't sure if he liked the idea or he if disliked it. He had a blank stare on his face, but then he finally cracked a smile

"Actually, that would be lovely. It is a nice day out. What time would you like to go, love?" He wrapped his arms around me and I was enjoying it. It's been so long since he's actually hold me. Like actually hold me.

I looked up at him and smiled "How about in an hour?" "That sounds great! Well what are you waiting for? Let's start getting ready!" He ran upstairs to shower as I picked up our dishes and began to wash them.

After we had finished showering and getting ready. I packed up our picnic basket and Harry packed up the car with a few blankets, pillows and the tippy he had built. He insisted that I pack a bottle of champagne and wine. We walked out of house and locked it up.

The drive to the park was nice. We actually had a full on conversation. Mainly about the new album that him and his band are coming out with. It's called Four. And I can't wait to hear it. Harry says that he's really proud of this album and he knows that I will love it.

We pulled up to the car park and parked the car. We got out and started to walk to our favorite spot. We haven't been here in almost a year, well at least together. Harry being in a band did keep him busy. And me being an architect also kept me busy. I guess our busy schedules could be the blame for us never spending time anymore. Then again, Harry never has the time for me when he actually has time off.

Harry set up the blankets and pillows inside of the tippy he had made about two years ago. He put a blanket right in front of the opening of the tippy. He took the basket from me and started to take everything out to set it all up inside the tippy, he left the empty basket right outside on the blanket.

He pulled me inside and we both fell back. He started to hover over me and we just stared at each other for awhile. Until I finally smiled and giggled. I tried hiding my face because his stare was making me blush but he stopped me from hiding my face. He started to kiss me. At first it was slow but then he bit my lip so I can open my mouth and it got heated. He was rubbing my back and he was biting on my lip again because I was pulling on his hair.

"Baaaaaabe, that's not fair. You know it's my weakness when you pull my hair. I'm trying to be the man here and be the dominant one, but it's so hard when you do that!"

I smirked. I started to pull his hair some more and massage his scalp. He started to moan. Hahaha that shows him who's the dominant one in this relationship. He started to kiss me again and hard. That was until his phone went off and he got off of me to answer it.

"H-hello, hmm, uh huh. Wait, what? Sorry I was kind of busy. Oh no that's okay. Yeah I'll be there. Yeah, I said I'll be there. Don't worry! See you soon! Okay mhm bye." He hung up and looked at me "Adriana, I'm so sorry but I have to go. They need me at the studio. Can we do this another day?" "Yeah, that's fine Harry. Are you going to be home for dinner?" "Erm, I'm afraid not. Sorry sweetie." "Oh it's okay."

We packed everything up and left. The ride back home was quiet minus Harry's phone going off every other five minutes. I told him that he could answer it but he said it was just Liam bugging him to hurry up. We pulled up to the house. I told him that he didn't have to bother with the things, that I would take them inside myself since they needed him at work. He just said goodbye without giving me a kiss or a hug.

I put everything away inside and decided to watch East Enders. But I couldn't really pay attention when I was a bit upset on how our picnic got interrupted. At least we finally spent some time together. I had missed our kisses. I can still feel his lips on mine. My phone rang and pulled me out of my thoughts. I answered without looking who it was

"hello?" "Adriana! Hi love. How are you?" "Oh hey Gemma! I'm alright and you?" "I'm alright. So, I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner with me and a few friends? Would you like to come?" "Mmm, I don't know. I'm kind of tired and-" "And what? Harry won't let you? Put him on the phone!" "Actually he's not here. He left aboutttt-" I checked my phone for the time. It's 5pm. He's been gone for four hours. "He left about 4 hrs ago." "Well, you are coming! And I don't want to hear excuses. I'm coming over in 20 minutes. Bye love!"

Great. I have to get up now. I went into the kitchen and set the teapot on the stove. I walked into the pantry to get some crumpets out and some biscuits. There's only crumpets. I guess I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow. Not even five minutes has gone by and Gemma was knocking on the door already. I opened the door and immediately got attacked by her bear hug.

"Adriana! Oh, I have missed you! It's been what? Two weeks! Gosh so much has gone on in those two weeks. So how was Tokyo?" "Hahahaha hi Gemma! I've missed you too! It definitely has and Tokyo was nice. I just missed food. Not that their food was bad or anything but I prefer food from here." "I understand. So did you have fun?" "Yeah, somewhat. I was only there for work so I didn't really get to spend as much time I would have liked to explore. But it was fun." "that's great! Look at you becoming the successful architect I knew you would become. So where did Harry go?" "Thanks Gemma. I'm not sure. He said that they needed him at work. Maybe to finish some touches for the album" "Hmm, well start getting ready! Go shower so I can do your makeup!" "yes mother!" "Please don't call me that. I may be two years older than you but I'm still young! Now hurry up!"

I showered and got in a dress that Gemma chose for me. She was doing my makeup as she was telling me about this guy who has an interest an her. I can tell she has a small crush on him. It's cute. We were listening to The 1975 and trying so hard to pretend to be Matty and George. I love spending time with Gemma, she's like the sister I always wanted. Tonight should be fun. And to think I didn't want to go out.

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