Chapter 13

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The bangs on the window had startled us from our passionate escape. I jumped out of Jeremiah's lap as if I had just been electrocuted and we hurried to put our clothes on as the knocks became impatient. "Yes!" Jeremiah yelled back at the annoying banging but there was no response. When we were finished putting ourselves together he rolled down the steam filled window to meet our untimely new friend. I shot my head down to my knees to hide my embarrassed face. I couldn't stand the fact that some stranger had caught me in the act of pure hormones. What if it wasn't a stranger? What if it's the cops? What if we're going to get arrested? But before my mind could race with the infinite possibilities the stranger spoke. Only it wasn't a stranger at all.

"Yo dude. You done?" Chris chuckled peaking into the window and I felt my face turn bright red. Of all the scenarios I could have concocted in my head, being caught by Chris, almost having sex in a parking lot, would not have been one of them. Jeremiah laughed and looked over at me, "Yea we're done....for now" he winked at me. I shook my head in disbelief about what had happened.
This was my life. I finally got a boyfriend only for him to be shipped away and to be caught by his best friend when we were about to have sex. "Do you guys want to come sit with us? Lily's inside getting a table, she told me not to interrupt when we saw the windows fogged up but you know I couldn't help myself" Chris' smirk covered almost his whole face and I could feel the embarrassment heat my face again.

"No man it's ok, we already ate. I'm going to take Freya home" Jeremiah looked at me as if asking if that was alright. "Actually" I interrupted "I'm staying at lily's tonight, so can you just take me there and we can wait until they get back?" He smiled and nodded his head. After saying our goodbyes to Chris, we made our way back to Lily's. I stared out the window touching my lips remembering the feeling of Jeremiah's on them and the thought of us about to sleep together. If Chris hadn't of interrupted would I have gone through with it? Would my first time had been in a car, in the parking lot of Ray's diner?

"What are you thinking about?" Jeremiah grazed my thigh and looked over at me. "Nothing" I smiled back at him, trying to hide the seductive thoughts still roaming in my mind, trying to break through with every second his warm hand rested on my thigh. He smiled an all knowing smile as if he was thinking about the same things as me and turned up the radio. "This song makes me think of you" he smiled even brighter "do you know it?" I listened to the lyrics for a minute trying to decipher the artist. "What song is this?" I blushed as the sweet words filled the car. "You and me by Lifehouse. Every time I hear it I think of you" His cheeks turned red and he looked down at my knees, embarrassed to look me in the eyes before returning his concentration to the road. I put my head on the window and listened to the words in bliss.

When we got to Lily's, Jeremiah parked on the street and paused before turning off the car. I sensed his delay and felt the air shift into something uncomfortable. "Are you ok?" I asked hesitantly not really wanting to know the answer. "No" he shook his head eyes shooting toward the carpet. The lump in my throat returned and I could feel myself shaking. He changed his mind. He's going to break up with me now. Why did he wait until we got to Lily's house? Is he mad that I didn't sleep with him at the diner? And as if the universe could hear my thoughts the sound of Burn by Usher filled the car. Oh God, even the radio knows I'm about to be dumped.

"I'm so stupid and I'm so mad at myself. I can't take this feeling. I know we are going to make this long distance thing work between us. I know it. I'm just so angry. You're the first girl that I ever really saw myself having a future with! I know that sounds stupid but I just couldn't help myself, I mean look at you" A heartbroken smile filled my face as he continued. "I mean I saw us getting married and having two cats and a dog and kids. I even went so far as to name our first two. It's so dumb but I don't want this to ruin us. I don't want the distance to change anything even though I know it will" defeat clear in his eyes and a single tear made its escape. I reached over and swiped it away with my thumb, cupping his face in my hand. My strong Jeremiah sat in front of me, disheveled and distraught over the thought of losing our future. A future that I assumed I had only thought about. My heart ached for him but I couldn't help the happiness I felt at his words about our future because the truth was that I wanted it all. And I wanted it all with him.

"What would our kids names be?" I asked with a smirk. "What?" clearly confused he looked at me with a head tilt. "You said you named our first two kids, so come on, what are they?" I chuckled and waited for him to answer. "Well we're going to have a girl and a boy and if we can survive that then we will have more" he laughed, "her name will be Ava and his will be Ray".

"Do I have a say in this?" I asked laughing at the thought that he put into this. "Nope those will be their names and if we have more then you can name them" he leaned into me and placed a light kiss on my nose. "Come lets get you inside, it's getting late and Chris just texted me and told me they're on the way back." As he walked around the car to open my door I knew in that moment, more than ever, that Jeremiah had my heart. I wanted to be his forever. I wanted our future to be everything he said and it would all start with us. Right then I knew that I was ready. I no longer felt the sting of anxiety or shyness to be with him. I wanted us to start our future and it would start with me losing my virginity to him.

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