Chapter 14

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The moment Jeremiah opened the car door my body clung to his. My fingers gipped the hair at the base of his neck and my legs wrapped around his waist. Our lips met and our tongues instantly started to glide with each other. I could feel his body tense underneath mine and I pushed my body closer so I could feel his budding erection. My hips grinded to feel his length and I breathed in his moan.

"Let's go inside" My voice reeked in want. I smiled at him through my lashes with labored breathing. He gave me a simple nod and I stepped down from the car rushing us through the door, making our way into the house, being careful not to lose our lips connection. I practically tripped over shoes in the living room as I landed on top of a body on the couch. What the hell? Lily's mom wasn't supposed to be home until six. I tensed and almost screamed before focusing on the figure through my lustful haze.

"Jesse?" my breath was rigid and uncontrolled. The passion that was running through me at the speed of light suddenly stalled and anger crept up fast in my veins igniting a fire in my belly. Jesse had interrupted our second attempt at being together and I was beyond fuming. Jesse and some half naked blonde, sprawled on top of him, shot us an annoyed glare.

"Are we interrupting?" He chuckled and raised his brow at me. Why is he still here? I thought he was going back to Australia or London or wherever the hell he was traveling to now!

"I could ask you the same thing" the harsh tone in my voice echoed as I picked myself up off of him. Jeremiah stood there dumbfounded, not having a clue what to say or do, he just smiled, grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to his chest. I love possessive Jeremiah.

I looked down at the blonde in her bright pink bra, attempting to put her white top back on, as she moved away from Jesse. Her curled tresses, frizzy and mangled from the hands, I imagined, were pulling at them before we arrived.

"Please, don't stop on our account" narrowing my eyes at Jesse. Am I jealous? Why the hell would I be jealous of this girl with Jesse when I have Jeremiah! Jeremiah and I are about to have sex, there's no way I'm jealous! I barely even know Jesse. And besides he's older than me and Lily's brother, I can't and won't go there. Oh my God, do I want to go there?

"Oh don't worry, we won't" Jesse said taking me away from my thoughts. His grin was devilish as if he could read my thoughts and I rolled my eyes grabbing Jeremiah's hand to lead him up the stairs. We were heading toward Lily's bathroom when Jeremiah stopped us at the top of the stairs."Did anything happen between you two?"

I spun around so quickly that I lost my balance and Jeremiah had to grab ahold of me before I fell. "What!" I practically yelled in amusement "No! Never! That's Lily's brother. I would never do that, especially because I'm with you. I told you everything I've ever done... which is nothing, so why would you even ask that?"

"Ok, I was just wondering. There was just some sort of.... tension between you guys so I wanted to make sure you told me everything." he half smiled at me and shook his head as if to end the conversation. "Nothing has ever happened or will ever happen with Jesse. You know everything about me, please don't doubt that" I smiled and grabbed his arm leading us back to the bathroom. I turned around as we reached the door, leaning my back against it, I looked up at Jeremiah and gave him a seductive, wicked smile.

"Why are we at the bathroom?" arched brow and slight grin on his face told me he was excited. "Because clearly we can't find anywhere to have sex, so that's not happening today" I rolled my eyes and continued, "And Lily and Chris will be here soon, so we can't go in her room... but that doesn't mean I don't still want to do....... stuff" I opened the door and pulled him inside.

Shutting and slowly locking the door behind me, my eyes never leaving his, I walked us back until we were against the sink. He smirked with every stride I took pulling at his T-shirt, each one oozing with control and dominance. I flipped and pushed him against the sink so our fronts were touching and ran my hand down his chest. I could feel every indent of his abs as I trailed farther and father down. Reaching the hem of his shirt, I slowly gripped the material in my hand and raised it slightly to give me better access to his bare skin. He shivered at the contact of my cold hand against his warm chiseled abs. With every touch my desire grew stronger and stronger. It was fun to be in control.

I reached for the button on his jeans and hastily pulled them down his body. I fell to my knees suddenly craving the feeling of him in my mouth. I looked up at him licking my lips and smiled innocently as I traced my fingers up his thighs stopping just as I reached his boxers. He bite his lip and threw his head back in anticipation. I gripped his full erection peeping through the thin cotton material and smiled at the moan that escaped his mouth. The calm that I was trying so hard to hold on to vanished with the sound of his hitched breath and I ripped down the material that stood between him and my mouth.

His erection sprung in front of me at it's escape from the material and my eyes filled with lust at the sight that stood before me. I grabbed his length in one hand and licked him from the base to the tip, using my other to caress his sack. "Oh. God. Freya." His breath was heavy, biting his lip and looking down at me with desire behind his eyes. I swirled my tongue at his tip, tasting the salty dew as I pulled away. I looked up at him through my thick lashes and licked my lips again as the slight taste of him lingered. Before he could say anything I grabbed his full length in my mouth and he gripped the sink with both hands throwing his head back on a moan.

As my head moved back and forth, taking more of him with each stride, his hands moved from the sink into my hair. Gripping tighter and tighter as I felt his arousal building in my mouth. I moved faster and faster hollowing my mouth and gliding my tongue as I moved. The sound of his breath becoming more uncontrolled only fueled my desire. My panties getting drenched with every moan he let out. The warmth in my belly burning and aching for him to come apart. "Freya.....I'm going....I'm going to....." Before he could get the words out I moved my hands to his firm buttocks and gripped him, pushing him farther into my mouth so that his length reached the back of my throat. Digging my fingernails into him with each sharp thrust, his moan filled the tiny bathroom as he exploded in my mouth. The warm salty liquid filling my throat as I watched him twitch and come down off his climax.

He slowly released my hair as I lazily let him out of my mouth. I grazed his thighs moving up from the floor and licked my lips when his eyes met mine. "Where the fuck did you learn how to do that" He whispered in satisfaction and I smiled at the disheveled man in front of me. "I wanted to be ready for you" I shrugged thinking back to all the late nights I spent with Lily, asking her question upon question about pleasing a guy, to ready myself for this exact moment.

"Well that was....that was amazing" he said between breaths trying to get his pants back on. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me gently. "That was seriously the best I have ever had, and I can not wait to return the favor" he smirked at me and my knees turned to jelly at the thought. I leaned in and kissed him again but before we could start anything else Jeremiah's phone went off. He shrugged at Chris's name popping up on the screen and I threw my head back with an exaggerated huff.

We walked out of the bathroom hand in hand and said our goodbyes at the stairs. I kissed him goodbye and he promised to take me out again the next day after school. After I watched him walk out the door with Chris I turned and made my way to Lily's room as she yelled and made noises of disgust at Jesse and his little friend.
I flopped down on Lily's bed staring at the ceiling and smiling at the image of Jeremiah in the bathroom. The best I have ever had. His words on repeat in my head. The happiness in my heart, om everything we had done, hort compared to the grief I felt as the realization set in that he was in fact leaving. I don't know when I'll get the chance to see him like that again. And with that thought I went from smiling and giddy to full on sobbing on my best friends bed. What the hell am I going to do?

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