Chapter 15

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Lily's giddy mood changed the minute she walked into her room and had found me sobbing. Snot and tears pouring out of me, trickling down my neck and into her purple comforter. "Freya? What happened? Do I have to kill him?" Her last remark made me chuckle and had given me enough strength to push myself up to my elbows. I looked at her wanting to share everything but the minute her eyes met mine I broke into a frenzied mess and my tears were met with dry heaves that I couldn't control. She shot across the room and jumped on the bed beside me cupping my head and bringing it to her chest. She let me cry for what felt like hours while she stroked my hair.

It was the comfort I needed. The comfort I always craved. Anytime something horrible happened in my life it was always Lily who had helped me feel better, helped me heal. She never needed any explanation, she always knew that when I was ready I would tell her everything. She always managed to put my shit before hers and I loved her dearly for that. But there was always something missing. The comfort, the warmth, the strength and security of a man. And the man that I wanted was Jeremiah.

I finally mustered up enough strength to pull myself together and tell Lily everything that had happened. The two failed attempts to lose my virginity to Jeremiah, our stumble upon Jesse and his latest toy, what happened in the bathroom and the words that Jeremiah had said to me. She took it all in, nodding and gasping along as I told the story. She even rolled her eyes when I mentioned Jesse in the living room. When I was done she clasped my hands and gave me a sympathetic look, "So what are you going to do now?"
That was just it. I hadn't a clue what I wanted to do. I knew that I wanted to be with Jeremiah but I didn't know if we could even remotely make it work, with him in Florida and me here it was going to be near impossible to stay so connected. I shrugged and looked down defeated. "Do you want to know my opinion?" I nodded in agreement, lost for words and unsure if I really wanted to hear what she had to say.

She smiled at me and continued, "I think you should try it. Not the sex, unless you really want to, but I think that you should try the long distance. You don't want to look back and regret not trying and if it doesn't work out then at least you tried ya know?" I looked at her in shock, eyes wide and mouth gaped open. She was right. I knew that if I didn't try, then I would regret it and constantly ask what if. "You're right" I told her, "I don't want to regret not trying. I know I'm going to miss him like crazy but we can make it work. And you're right about the sex too. I don't want to rush it just because he's leaving. If this we work out, having sex with him will be so much better then because we waited." I felt more secure in my decision, more confident and Lily had noticed.

"Good" she smiled at me and nudged my shoulder, "Now do you want to go to bed or do you want ice cream and a movie?" It was my turn to smile. I shook my head giggling at how Lily could turn such a serious and dreary situation into something so simple and just go about everything like it didn't happen. She made even the darkest of situations look light. "I'll go get the ice cream" I giggled and got up from the bed to make my way down to the kitchen.
Still lost in my head about the whole Jeremiah decision, I hadn't realized that Jesse was in the kitchen when I arrived. I reached out for the freezer and my hand was met with a different hard surface. Jesse's bare chest. I jumped, my eyes shooting up to meet his. He smirked at me , a devilish look in his eye. "If you wanted to touch me all you had to do was ask." I gasped at his words.

What! "W-what?" I was so thrown. His words made me dizzy. Who the hell did he think he was? He closed the freezer taking out the ice cream and turned toward the counter to put it down. "I mean you're hot and all but you're my sisters best friend. I think things might get a little complicated" he turned to meet my eyes, his eyebrow kinked and a slight smirk twisted the corner of his mouth.
The blood drained from my face and I knew that my color was white. My knees buckled and I felt a warmth in my stomach and between my legs that I'd never felt before. Holy shit. Did he really just say that? Did he really think I was hot? Wait! Why did I care? I was with Jeremiah! I opened my mouth to respond to him and he placed a finger over my lips. Holy shit! My body screamed at the touch. So warm. So tender. I wanted to open my mouth so that it could slid in and I could taste him. What the fuck Freya! It's just his finger on your lip! YOU'RE WITH JEREMIAH! My subconscious screamed at me. "I'm just messing with you" He shot me a smile, his blue eyes glistening with delight. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "I got you good didn't I" He wiggled his eye brows and I rolled my eyes at his arrogance.

Finally finding the strength to talk I looked him in the eye and said "Has anyone ever told you that you're an asshole?" Jesse's eyes widened and he laughed. "Yea, often actually" our eyes locked and it was as if he could see into my soul. All of my dreams, my desires, my hopes, my fears, he could see it all. My knees buckled and I grabbed onto the counter for support. I guess he had noticed because he stepped forward in an attempt to grab me but pulled his hand back when he saw me steady myself. What is he doing to me? He coughed and turned to break our eye contact. "So you're with that kid right?" And just like that my stomach plummeted to the floor. Yes! Yes I am with him! So why then did Jesse have this control over my body? I cleared my throat and made my way to the cabinet to get down bowls.

"Jeremiah? Yea. He's my boyfriend" I couldn't see him but I heard him turn toward me as I said the words. He walked over to me and my breathing picked up. Why does he do this to me! How? I barely even know him! Jesse's chest touched my back as he reached around me to open the drawer for the spoons. I turned around in his arms, trapped in the corner of the counter. Face to face. My eyes focused on his lips, my heart beating so loud I swear he could hear it and my breathing so ragged he could absolutely tell he had an effect on me.
I finally looked up to meet his eyes to see that they were focused on my lips and if I would had just lifted my chin an inch we would have been kissing. Instead I turned my head toward the bowls trying to get my mind back on track. Ice cream. I came down here for ice cream.

Jesse grabbed my attention again when he chuckled. My eyes flew to his as if I was missing the joke. "What?" What the hell was so funny?

"Nothing" he smirked leaning his head down closer to me. His mouth was at my ear and my eyes closed waiting to savor the words he was going to whisper into it,"Just that if you were mine, I wouldn't have let you spend the night in the same house as another guy. Especially one you found attractive" And just like that my eyes burst open. I pushed him away from me and stepped toward the ice cream to finish my task. He's so arrogant! I couldn't help myself and I spun around angry. "Well good thing he's not you" I spit. He didn't even know me or Jeremiah for that matter! Who the hell was he to say such a thing. He smiled and it made the anger in me boil. "And who the hell said that I was even slightly attracted to you! You're an ass and that's not my type sorry to tell you" I finished trying to keep my voice down.

He smiled his devilish smile again and my stomach tightened. Damnit! I cursed at my body. Jesse stepped closer to me and we were inches apart, looking into each others eyes. My breath was heavy and filled with anger and lust. "Don't try to deny it" He said calmly, which just pissed me off even more, " I can guarantee that you're body is effected by me just as much as mine is by yours. And its super annoying" He smirked and I blinked repeatedly trying to focus on his words.

Did he really just say that? Out of everything I had expected him to say, that was definitely not one of them. My mind spun trying to fathom what the hell just happened. Before I could, he grabbed the whole carton of ice cream and made his way out of the kitchen. Spoon in hand, sucking the ice cream from it, he stopped at the doorway before leaving. His eyes warming my skin as they traveled from my feet up to my eyes, resting for a few minutes when he met my hips, chest and mouth. He smiled at me when my breath hitched watching him bite his lip when he was down eyeing me down. "Goodnight Freya" and just like that he left.

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