Chapter 26

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The music is so loud that I can feel the bass shaking my entire body. Trey Songz Touchin' Lovin' is blasting through the speakers on the first floor and my body instinctively starts to heat up with the lyrics. Jesse's eyes glued to mine instinctively make my thighs tighten together and his smug grin told me that I didn't hide it very well. My teeth suck in my lower lip and I instantly see his eyes move to them. If he heard my comment about taking him home, he didn't make any indication because up until now he was talking with his boys and paying me little attention while I was handing out drink after drink. I look at his face one last time and it's the worst decision I could have made because not only does my stomach tighten but my panties get so wet I can feel it drip down my inner thighs. God damn he's hot!

"Layla!" I yelled to the other bartended, eyes still on Jesse, "I'm taking my thirty" she nods and Jesse's grin turns into a full blown smile. I round the bar, eyes from all directions follow my exposed body as I walk up to Jesse, grab his hand and pull him to follow me.

"See you soon bro" Theo yells over the music to Jesse, his smirk all knowing and when I turn around to look at him he winks. Damn if he was anyone else, not Jesse's friend, he would probably be the one I'd be taking to the employee office right now. As I push past the swam of hot sweaty bodies, I feel Jesse getting closer and closer to the back of me. Chills run down my spine and a small moan escapes my mouth at the thought of him touching me. I pick up the pace and the minute I get to the office I slam the door. Before I can turn around to make my move Jesse has spun me around so fast, catching my mouth with his and pushes me against the door before I can even catch my breath.

His soft lips trap mine with his and his tongue lightly slides against my lips begging me to open them. The second I let his tongue into my mouth he turns frenzied, like he can't get enough of my taste. I moan and his mouth captures it. Our tongues gliding against each other and I pull away slightly. Biting his lower lip, trying to catch my breath. When I meet his eyes their filled with lust and desire.

"God I want you so bad right now" Jesse bites his lower lip and leans down slowly to my neck. Sucking so lightly it leaves goosebumps in its track. With his left hand he reaches up and cups my breast while taking one of my hands in his other hand. He slowly guides my hand down to grip his steal hard erection. I groan, the thick, hard length reminds me just how bad I've wanted him. I've had more than my share of sex dreams about this man and he's been my regular go to when I want to pleasure myself.

I want to taste him so bad. So fucking bad. I begin to lower myself but before I can get to my knees Jesse grabs my forearms and pulls me up. "As bad as I want your lovely mouth on my cock..." he brushed my bottom lip with his thumb," I need to feel your pussy, tight and wet on it first" and without another word he pushes me further into the door and lifts my skirt over hips. His hand grazes over my black lace underwear and he pulls back just the slightest to look at them. "Mmmm. Do you have a special attachment to these?"

His questions catches me off guard and my eyebrows squeeze together in confusion. "An attachment? No, I mean I li-" before I can finish my sentence Jesse grabs the black lace between his muscular hands and rips them off me. My shocked gasp turns into a satisfied moan when Jesse quickly runs his fingers over my now bare opening. Two fingers plunge into my center and Jesse groans so loud. "Fuck, you're so wet."

My leg lifts and wraps around his waist giving him better, deeper access. I don't even get used to his two thick fingers before he thrusts a third in, his thumb circling my clit with just the right amount of pressure. Slow, deep thrusts and within a few seconds I feel my stomach tighten. My legs start to shake. "I'm close" I let out the breathy words and Jesse's smirk almost makes me come on the spot. "I know baby, I can feel it. I can feel you tightening around me. God it feels so good." He leans in closer, whispering in my ear, "Come for me Freya" and with a quick curl of his fingers and a deep, harsh thrust, I come. Blurs of white cloud my vision and I shake uncontrollably. Jesse keeps pushing into me further and further even after I've started to recover that I feel a second orgasm blossoming and before I get the chance to release he pulls out his soaking wet fingers. "Oh no you don't. If you're pretty little pussy is going to come again then it's going to be around my dick."

I throw my head back against the door trying to regain some sanity but my fingers are on a mission of their own, unbuttoning Jesse's jeans and pulling out his erection. I stare at the long, thick. mouth watering penis for way too long and when I return my lustful gaze back up to Jesse's eyes I can see the satisfaction and cockiness in them. God damnit! He knows how great his dick is! I never got a chance to fully look at him the one and only time we had had sex but right now I can see just how damn satisfying it's going to feel inside me.

Jesse reaches in his pocket and pulls out a condom. I impatiently grab it from his hands, ripping the foil packet open with my teeth and tug out the lubed up condom. Jesse's laugh turns into a low moan as I glide the condom down his shaft and grip him with one hand. I push him closer with my leg still wrapped around his waist and line the tip of him up with my entrance.

"You're so fucking wet" Jesse slowly pushes in and we both let out a satisfying moan. My head leans backward giving him full access to my neck, which he takes advantage of, biting and licking. Jesse doesn't move. His hand gripping my thigh so tight so I can't move. I try to swivel my hips to get him to move, the feeling of him so full and satisfying I might have an orgasm just like this. "I just want to feel you for a minute baby. Mmmm. You're so fucking tight. Always so fucking tight" He bites my neck one more time before encasing my lips. I moan so loud I swear you can hear it over the bass of the music.

"Jesse" my voice is breathy and low, "Move. Please."

"Only because you said please, baby"

Both hands grab my butt cheeks lifting me up against the door and I instinctively wrap my legs around Jesse's waist. We both groan at the new position. How deep he is now and as soon as I adjust Jesse starts pounding into me. Quick, sharp, thrusts into me. My nails digging into his shoulders, trying to gain some stability as he fucks me harder and harder. My moans becoming louder and louder and Jesse's growls taking my lips with his. I grip his hair with my fingers and tug, bending his head backward to give me better, deeper access to his beautiful mouth. His lips are the perfect combination of soft and rough. His kisses are possessive but not sloppy.

Jesse pushes me farther into the door and his hands leave my ass, bracing one on the side of my head against the door and the other gripping tightly at my hip. "Come on baby, I know you're close" his words come out strangled but he's right. I'm so close. Jesse moves his hand from my hip and presses his thumb to my clit. Pushing hard and circling quickly and it's just that simple move that makes me go over. I climax so quickly. My scream echoing off the walls of the office and I hunch forward riding out my climax, biting down on Jesse's shoulder. With that simple bite it sends him over, he spills into the condom and thrusts slowly riding out the end of his climax.

We're both sweaty and sated. Jesse still inside me and my legs lax, still wrapped around his waist. "That was...." my breath still trying to get under control, Jesse finishes the sentence for me. "Amazing? Incredible? Mind blowing? All of the above?" I laugh at his words and nod.

"All of the above" I say to him with a smile. He slowly pulls out of me and places me on my feet. "Can you walk?" His grin is smug but his eyes say concerned. "Yeah. I think I can manage"

"Damn. Then I didn't do my job right" He gives me a devilish grin before asking, "Wanna go round two so I can show you?" I laugh again and then look at my phone for the time. "I have to get back to work in five minutes" Jesse smiles again, and damn, if he's just going to smile at me all the time I think I'm going to melt. This man can ask me to do anything with his smile.

"Challenge accepted. I can make you come again in three minutes flower. Now. Do you want my fingers, my dick or my tongue?" My eyes widen and my breath hitches. I want it all! My heart speeds up, my stomach does summer saults and my legs go weak as he moves closer to me and God damn, Jesse fucking Blaine is going to make me come again!

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