Lucy to the rescue

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*Lucy's P.O.V*

"Lucy! Sting! let's go on a mission!" Rin said as he walked up to us with the others following behind him.

"Ok! Let's go pick a job then." I replied standing up from my seat.

We walked over to the request board and looked them all over.

"How about this one?" Shiami said pointing at one of the papers.

I ripped the paper of the board and read over it.


A bunch of strange monster's have been attacking our village!

Location: Helsing Village

Requested By: Mana Hellsing

Reward: ¥1,000,000 jewels

"Hmm... This seems like a good mission and it pays really well.... Let's do it!" I said.

"Mira! We would like to take this mission!" I said handing Mira the flyer.

She looked it over and stamped it. "All set! Good luck!" She said handing me the paper.

"Thanks Mira!" I said.

We all walked out of the Guild and to our house and began packing.

Once we were done we walked out of our home and began walking towards the train station. When we arrived at the station we got our tickets then boarded the train.

As soon as the train began moving Sting and Rouge began turning green. And for some reason I was to!

"Ugh....." I groaned.

"Ha ha! Looks like Blondie does get motion sickness!" Sting laughed but quickly shuttled up as he was going to puke.

"But why~..... I thought I didn't get motion sickness...." I groaned.

"Looks like it just needed to kick in." Yukio said as Din took my head and placed it on his lap as he began to rub my head, easing my sickness.

"Thank Onii-San...." I said as I drifted off to sleep.

*Rin's P.O.V*

"Looks like it just needed to kick in." Yukio said as I grabbed Lucy's head and began to rub it.

I did this because I remember whenever Rouge and Sting got motion sickness she would lay their heads on her lap and began to rub them.

She seemed to have gotten a little better by the fact that I could feel her body behind to loosen up and relax more.

"Thank you Onii-San...." She said as she drifted of to sleep.

I love it when her and Yukio calls me Onii-san.

It makes me feel like a boss for some reason.

*Time Skip*

*Lucy's P.O.V*

"Lucy! Lucy wake up! The train stopped!" I heard Rin say as he shook me.

'Wait! The train stopped!?'

I jumped up so fast and ran off the train the most people couldn't even see me.

"Freedom! Oh sweet ground! How I missed you so!" I said laying on the ground rolling everywhere.

"Uh Lucy...." Rin said as him and the others sweat dropped while people nearby were staring and whispering.

"What?" I asked, while laying on the ground tilting my head looking like a dog.

"Uh....nothing....Let's just go...." He said as Sting walked over to me, picking me up, and placing me on his back.

As we were walking towards the clients house I couldn't help but notice people starring at us as we passed by.

As we continue walking and noticed to little kids playing. A little girl and a little boy who looked a bit older then the girl.

I couldn't help but smile as I watched the two play. They reminded me of when I use to play with Sting and Rouge when we were little as they were laughing.

Suddenly the little boy threw the ball a little to high and it went over the girls head bouncing into the middle of the street.

The little girl ran into the middle of the street after the ball when suddenly a carriage came racing down the street heading towards the little girl.

"Honoka! Look out!" The little boy yelled.

The little girl turned around and saw the carriage competing but froze up and didn't move. The carriage looked as though it wasn't going to stop either.

I quickly jumped off of Sting's back and ran towards the little girl, picked her up, and jumped up as soon as the carriage was gonna hit us.

"Are you ok?" I asked the little girl as I landed on the ground.

The little girl opened up her eyes and began to cry. "Y-yes...I'm you v-very much.." She cried as I sat her down on the side walk.

Soon the little boy came running over.

"Honoka! Thank God you're alright!" The boy cried/yelled as he hugged the girl.

"Thank you for helping my little sister. My name is Reji Hellsing and this is my little sister Honoka Hellsing." The little boy said.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Lucy Heartfilia. And did you say you last name was Hellsing?" I asked. He nodded his head yes.

"Do you know a man named Mana Hellsing?" Sting as walking up to us.

"Yes. That's our papa!" He said. I asked him if he could take us to see his papa and he said yes and to follow him.

As we were walking people were still stareing and whispering, but this time they were saying "Did you see that!? That girl just saved the Chief Hellsing's daughter!' or 'Maybe they are not demons after all...'

Man were they wrong. Like they say, You should never judge a book by its cover.

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