Rin vs. Lucy

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*Rins P.O.V*

As I ran towards Lucy and swung my sword towards her she quickly defended herself by swinging her sword in front of, blocking my attack.

I looked into her eyes and saw they were crazy like. Just like mine were when i was fighting Amaimon.

I have to stop her and those sisters or they are going to take Lucy away from me. My sweet little sister.

I jump away from her by pushing backwards before running back towards her clashing my sword info hers, over and over.

We were moving so fast that it felt like the wind was parting around us.

"Lucy.... Please snap..... Out..... Of it. " i said to her as we swung at each other and were know having a stand off.

She only growled as her response. She then seeing her leg up, round house kicking me in the stomach and sending me flying.

She has a better advantage in strength. She has demon powers and she had magic, so it's gonna be tricky beating her.

Thinking a plan through i closed my eyes got a bit before i quickly opened them and began running towards at an intensified speed as my eyes became more dilated and my flames surrounding my body were know bigger.

My fangs in my mouth even became pointier.

As I ran towards Lucy she seemed as if she was having a war with her self as she was not moving. But that suddenly changed when she got into a fighting stance and began running towards me.

I went to swing my sword at her and as soon as she went to block i quickly flipped my sword and drew it back as i grabbed her arm and kicked her in the stomach, but she didn't fly back due to me holding her arm.

I then flipped her over my body and into the air, crashing her into the ground.

She gasped for air as the air was knocked out of her body.

After a few seconds she quickly got up and went to kick me in the side but i quickly grabbed her for and twisted it meeting her flip around in the air and crash back into the ground.

I then pinned her to the ground and looked into her deep, emotionless, chocolate brown eyes.

"Please Lucy..... Snap out of it.... " i whimpered as i looked down at her.

Her eyes widened a hit at my words before they went back to normal size and she kicked me in the stomach right off of her.

She then punched me to the ground and held her hand out as he stepped for into the air and right into her hand.

She then lifted the sword up and positioned it to stab me straight through the chest.

I closed my eyes tightly as my life flashed before my eyes with all the pictures as i waited for the impact of the piercing sword.

I waited for a good five minutes before peeking my eyes open and looking to see Lucy's eyes wide as she struggled to piece the sword into me.

I took this as a sign that the real Lucy was still in the and was kicking to get out.

Taking this as my one and only opportunity, i pushed her off me before pinning her back to the ground and overpowering my flames, causing them to engulf her whole entire body.

I overpowered my flames more and more trying to get them to reach her brain an heart as i panted from using so much energy.

Once i had finally penetrated her mind i released the spell that was engraved into her mind.

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