Our First Mission

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  We were all walking through the village following behind Reji and Honoka towards where there father was. Apparently he was the mayor.

We walked for about 5 minutes till we stopped in front of a small mansion. It was no where near as big as mine.

As we walked up the steps towards the entrance the doors began to open lettering us into their home.

"Welcome home young master and mistress." Three maids said as we walked in.

"Lila, Reya, Min Min!" Honoka yelled as she ran to the three, tackling ten in a hug.

"Hello Honoka. Welcome home." One of them said.

"I missed you three! How was your trip?" Honoka asked.

"It was quite lovely indeed. The Bahamas were very relaxing." Another one of the maids said.

The last of the three maids that hasn't said anything yet looked up at us and smiled as she said "Welcome to the Hellsing Manor. My name is Reya and these are my sisters Lila and Minnie but she likes to be called Min Min. We are the Hellsing manor maids." A girl with short lack hair said. Lila had long silvery hair and Min Min had long green hair in pigtails.

"Nice to meet you! My name is Lucy and these are my friends Rin,Yukio, Shiemi, Izumo, Streaky , Shima, Kurikara, Rouge, and my boyfriend Sting. There is a lot of us but we are all on a team together from Fairy Tail and we took the job Mr.Hellsing had requested to defeat some demons that have been terrorizing this town." I said stepping forward.

"Ryuji! Not Streaky! Ryuji!" Streky yelled.

"Tch, whatever." I said.

"Ah yes. Come follow me and I will take you to Mr.Hellsing while my sisters handle the children." Freya said. I nodded as we followed her.

"So I heard you went on a trip to the Bahamas. I'm not trying to be nosy or anything! I just want to start up a conversation..." Shiemi said.

"Ah yes we did and its ok. Me and my sisters did take a trip to the Bahamas. We left at the beggining of the month and got back last night. We returned to work today as you can see." She said.

"I see. I went to the Bahamas before with my family on a trip we took when I was little. I remember it so well because it was one of the many times that I was kidnapped." I said smileing.

"When you were what!?" Rin, Yukio, Sting, and Rouge all yelled.

"Oh when I was little I used to get kidnapped a lot. You know because of me being am heiress and all. So yea I was kidnapped when some men ambushed my family's car and took me from my parents." I said.

"I knew you got kidnapped a lot when we were children but i didnt know you got kidnapped then. How did they find you?" Sting asked.

"Oh well it just so happened that there was a Fairy Tail mage in the Bahamas at the time so my parents hired him to rescue me. Even though he had a job that he had to complete he still did it." I said.

"Really? Who was it?" Rouge asked.

"It was Gildarts but I don't think he remembers. Erza also saved me when I was little and I was visiting Magnolia for the first time. I was in a carriage and was going to step out of it when someone through a rock at the horses scarring them. The horses took of running at a fast making me fly back into the carriage. As the horses ran the reighns connecting them to the carriage came loose and when they made a sharp turn the carriage came unattached from the horses and went tumbling and Rollin towards the river until Erza appeared and stopped the carriage before it could fall in the river. After that she helped me out and told me her guilds name and that was the day I decided I wanted to become a mage and join Fairy Tail. This all happened before I met Gildarts when he saved me." I said.

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