|8|Just Another Villain|

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The UA teachers were all gathered around the meeting hall, discussing the current situation.

What should they do? The League took Midoriya and now they just couldn't just go and get him back, after all All For One was back in action and All Might was retired. If they went to rescue Midoriya, it might end up worse than if they didn't. They didn't have someone who could fight the Symbol of Evil. What would they do if he decided to strike back, they would all be dead. And on the top of everything else; they didn't know the League's whereabouts.

The Heroes needed a plan. A safe strategy. They needed to think through this very carefully. Midoriya's life could be in danger. They needed to do something quick. They needed a plan. And fast.

But just what?

The teachers were in a tight spot. Present Mic and Midnight questioning everything. Aizawa's anger held down Vlad King when the latter was about to say something stupid like Class-1-B never had a single kidnapping case. All Might was quiet. So quiet, he was looking down as if he was the one responsible for all this.

All Might felt horrible. A melancholic aura lurking all over him. Unreasonable guilt slowly eating him away. His successor was abducted. And on the top of that; he was right in All For One's reach. All Might's predecessor sacrificed her life for his safety and what did he do for his successor? Nothing at all. Throughout the meeting, the former number one hero only told himself that it was all his fault Midoriya was taken away so easily.

Yeah, the boy was taken away so easily...


The boy was taken away so easily.

Izuku Midoriya was not the one who would just let any villain grab him. He was one stubborn fighter. Then why was it so—!?

Could it be,

That Midoriya was planning something?


The rest of Midoriya's day seemed to go on by him only trying to use more quirks. And for the green haired boy, when it came to quirks, time always seemed to fly by so fast. He didn't even realize that he had been there practicing alone as both All For One and Kurogiri had left for something else. Though, he did notice Kurogiri coming back into the observation panel after some time and watching over him as he got a better hold of his new power.

Sadly, he couldn't practice Toga's quirk since he needed someone else's blood for that.

The others seemed to work perfectly fine just like All For One had told him earlier. He could pretty much use the quirks almost perfectly. Guess you can say, being a nerd pays off. Especially in this situation.

Midoriya's only regret in that moment was that how worried everyone back at UA would be for him — those in particular to whom he didn't tell anything at all. Like, All Might for example. But whatever, everyone being worried made it look more original so why not? Everyone being worried about him and searching for him would give a nice touch to his plan so let it be. He'd apologize later... or maybe not at all.

Anyway, Midoriya's attention was brought away from the quirks and UA when Kurogiri called out to him, telling him that it was getting pretty late and he should eat something and take some rest.

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