|13|The Scheme Continues|

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A few minutes after Shigaraki attacked Midoriya...

All For One was standing on the sidelines, looking at the destroyed building with an unreadable expression. He had already moved the other villains to a safer place and was now waiting for either Shigaraki or Midoriya — depending on who won the battle — to show up so he could take his next step.

And speak of the devil, the winner showed up,

"Ah, you're back. I take it went well then?" All For One turned to look at the boy, smiling.

"You don't have to worry about him anymore... Master." Shigaraki replied, smirking, "He's nothing but dust now... His death will be such a good story to tell to UA. I can't wait to see their reactions... Won't that be amazing?"

"Mhm. Maybe it'll be better than to have him as a villain." All For One nodded, "Come on, we have places to be now, Tomura..."

Shigaraki only stood there until All For One warped them both to where the rest of the League was.

Didn't he say he'd take care of all the nuisances?

He did. And he was so glad to see his plan going smoothly.

No one has to worry about Izuku Midoriya anymore.

No one has to...


"Will someone kindly explain what's going on here?" Aizawa asked to the seven students and two Pro Heroes who just fell from the sky and into UA's training grounds. They already sent Best Jeanist to a nearby hospital. Thankfully, he was still alive.

None of them spoke but only exchanged nervous glances at each other. Almost all of UA's teaching staff — and the principal — were standing in front of them, waiting for an answer that could help the situation.

Now, if it was just the students from Class-1-A — minus Shinsou because he has no idea what kind of problem child he was yet — Aizawa would have understood everything without them speaking another word. But, it's not everyday that Class-1-B is also involved in their activities. And of course, not forgetting the fact that the number one and the number two who weren't affiliated with the school one bit were here as well.

When no answer came, Aizawa spoke himself, "Shinsou?" He looked at the purple haired boy for an explanation.


Shinsou bit his lower lip nervously and took another glance at his classmates before looking back at his homeroom teacher who perked an eyebrow, waiting for a reply.

"We... Uhm, we were told to follow Endeavor in his mission... And rescue Midoriya from the villains... I don't think any of us had a clear idea of what we were doing because Hawks said we weren't supposed to rescue him... We were just following orders..." Shinsou replied looking down, trying his best to be honest and at the same time not to give any details about Midoriya's planning.

"Orders by who?" Aizawa asked.


"The Commission." Endeavor backed them up, "And I think I've told you all about that earlier."

"And Young Midoriya?" All Might asked with a concerned expression.

That question hit Todoroki like a thousand bricks.

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