|16|Traitor In The House|

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I'm sorry for late update. I'm losing track of time

Also, a friendly reminder, if Toga changes clothes after transforming into someone, the clothes stay there when the effect of her quirk wears off. So, no one has to be naked in this chapter.


All For One just came back to the base with Shigaraki right beside after attending a small business with one of the so called traitors from the Commission. Apparently, they went there to check on the situation regarding Shigaraki's grand plan. And coincidentally, the moment they arrived back at the unknown base was the exact moment the heroes attacked the Nomu plant.

Pure coincidence. Totally wasn't planned.

Well, that was a lie. Of course it was planned. Planned by a certain Mastermind who had been moving the strings all along. But nobody knew so it was never spoken of!

All For One made his way to the central room of the building from where they controlled all their coordination and communication. It sort of looked like an office. Shigaraki only followed behind him quietly, a smile dancing on his face, as they walked in the room. They were both silent for a while.

"So, how's the girl doing? Did she make a choice?" All For One asked breaking the silence as he sat doing on a chair.

"I dunno. Compress is the one who's been keeping watch on her." Shigaraki replied, shrugging, he stood beside him.

"I see." All For One nodded, "I'll talk with him later. You, however, seem happy."

"Hm?" Shigaraki turned around to the computers on the other side, "Of course, I am. Why wouldn't I be? I'm winning a war, after all."

"First complete win must really feel amazing, right?" All For One stated, "Tell me about it, have I ever told you about how I like to have long term battles?"

Shigaraki quickly wiped his cheek with his arm and turned around smiling, "Ah, I know how you do it! It always looked amazing! But it always sounded so time-consuming at the same time.... It gets boring."

All For One smiled before Shigaraki said, "You always get what you want. Even if you have to take risks, you prepare countermeasures. But it's mostly you who decides if you want to fight it for days, weeks or years. The other party doesn't know anything about when you'll strike. Like your first battle with All Might. You made him believe you were dead. Gathered you strength again in the next five years and came back to physically fight him... Leading to his permanent retirement. Too bad, the successor he left couldn't restore his glory. But I was able to restore yours, Master."

"That's right. That's right...." All For One said.

Just then, the communication systems started to go off, signalling that an important message was received.

All For One was about to see it when Shigaraki interrupted him, "I'll check it."

The blue haired villain pressed a few buttons and then the screen turned to show an incoming voice call which he accepted.

"Hello? Oh thank God finally someone picked up!" Came Spinner's voice.

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