Chapter 1 ❀ No to Marriage Meetings

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"Fire whoever ignored my orders and didn't decline this proposal, right away!" Seto Kaiba, CEO of the largest company in Domino city, ordered one of his most faithful assistants to do in his place. You, being one of those very trusted assistants yourself, were standing at Kaiba's desk next to Roland when the events dramatically unfolded.

"Mr. Kaiba, you can't just fire anyone who makes small mistakes like these! We'll end up understaffed!" You countered, shocking Roland and all other workers currently in the same room, causing them all to stiffen their postures and sink even lower behind their computer screens as if they were taking shelter from the storm that was about to approach.

Perhaps 'shock' wasn't the correct word to describe what you had made them feel. Simply put, you were and had always been the only one who even dared to argue with your boss this way. Not to mention the fact that you had done it many times before, too, and for some reason you had never gotten fired because of it. Not that you would like to try it out by testing the limits of Kaiba's nerves or anything.

"Small mistakes you say? It must be nice, making small mistakes such as conveniently forgetting that I explicitly said NOT to even consider accepting any marriage proposals!" Kaiba stated with his usual sarcastic and pissed-off tone, not forgetting to throw in one or two fancy words to make him sound stricter and like an authentic pain-in-the-rear boss.

You had to agree with him on the fact that he had mentioned it countless of times already, and that those marriage proposals had to be annoying since he didn't seem to be interested in that sort of thing in the slightest, but still... You felt bad for the people who actually lost a job due to their boss being extremely perfectionistic and short-tempered — because that was really all that Kaiba was. Or at least what he appeared to be at first glance.

"I know you must feel displeased, but please don't fire anyone. I will see to it myself that the meeting doesn't take place." You sighed, avoiding eye contact with the still angry CEO who by then had his arms crossed above his chest. He had really been having the urge to kick someone out after the marriage proposal fiasco, but after getting 'amused' by your sincerity, he decided to spare this one lower-rank worker who had carelessly accepted the rendezvous. "Is that so? Well then, see that you do."

And with that, Roland and you were dismissed, free to return to your desks. "[Name], you can't always cover for everyone's mistakes like this! You already have enough on your hands." Roland said in a more silent voice since your desks were in the same room as Kaiba's, and the brunet would have consequentially overheard your conversation.

Roland was right and you knew it. You had been working on a difficult and time-consuming project for a while now, so accepting to negotiate with the people who suggested the marriage meeting was a rather foolish thing to do.

"I know... I just can't help it." You groaned, slowly regretting having volunteered for the task in the first place, but it wasn't like you could be blamed for having second thoughts. At one point or another, you could already smell the caffeine being your only support that would keep your eyelids separated from each other for the upcoming overtime.

Seating yourself at your desk, you sighed and continued your work at the computer. "My shift just ended, so I could help you, if you want." Roland offered, but you had to politely decline. "It's alright. You have someone waiting for you at home, don't you?"

"You're really too considerate for your own good!" Roland exclaimed, and if you were to have been in an anime right about then, you would have been seeing tears of happiness streaming down his cheeks. You thanked the man for complimenting you and wished him a good evening before returning to to your work just as he had made his wait out of the office.

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