Chapter 9 ❀ "Isn't it obvious?"

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The only source of light were still the aromatic candles which was perhaps the reason behind your heart beating so quickly. You would have simply ignored it, but Kaiba just needed to sneak up behind you and surprise you as soon as you turned around, your face almost colliding with his. "W-What are you doing? You surprised me..."

"Just leave it there, someone else can clean it up. Go to sleep, I don't want you slacking off at the meeting tomorrow." Seto said in a somewhat husky voice, looking you straight in the eyes which wasn't exactly as intimidating as he had hoped it would be. Rather, it made you blush quite furiously, causing your heart to get even more impatient than it already was. "I get it, so just show me to the bed or something. A different one, since you don't like me using your Blue Eyes White Dragon sheets."

It was as if you were begging to be bullied by the whole 'snot' story by bringing that topic up, but surprisingly enough, the brunet didn't comment. He only flashed you a suspicious glance, accompanied by his signature smirk before he actually decided to lead you to your bedroom for tonight. It indeed was a different one than the one you had woken up in last time. You were thankful there weren't Dragons painted and printed everywhere, too.

The moment Kaiba turned on the lights was when you first realized just how luxurious the chamber looked, and started reconsidering if it would be a good idea to sleep here. "Are you sure this is fine? I'm still in my work clothes and I haven't even showered—" but before you could finish your insecure speech, you were cut off by Kaiba himself.

He had grabbed both of your wrists and was momentarily just holding them still, but that gesture was more than enough to make you go quiet. "W-What is it now?" You asked, your voice trembling slightly as you dared to look up at the taller male. His indigo-colored orbs stared right into your own without any hesitation, even emitting some sort of serious vibe.

Kaiba didn't utter a word, the current silence not helping the color of your already beet red face. Was this some sort of sign? It would definitely be the mood for that, but you couldn't be sure since this was Kaiba after all. There was even the problem of him being your boss at the company. Not listening to your more rational side, you slowly intertwined your fingers with the brunet's, your gesture almost surprising him which one could have told by the small change in his expression.

You couldn't understand why you were acting this way — perhaps the amount of alcohol wasn't enough to make you drunk, but slightly tipsy, enough so that you were being more honest about your feelings. And perhaps it was the same with the usually cold CEO. Blaming your actions on the wine, you decided to just go with the flow without hesitating anymore, and so, you got on your toes while still holding Kaiba's hands, and pressed a soft kiss against his lips.

You slowly closed your eyes as soon as you felt the latter's lips against your own, and moved yours against Kaiba's. The brunet was even more taken aback from before, but he didn't push you away nor find your actions repulsive, so at first he simply stood still and let himself be kissed by you. Feeling that the gesture wouldn't be reciprocated, you pulled away slowly and opened your eyes, but didn't dare to face Kaiba.

You flinched the moment you felt your boss slipping his fingers away from yours, and regretted having done what you did. "I'm sorry, Kaiba. I must be drunk from the wine—" Once again, you weren't allowed to finish, only to be cut off by the brunet again. "Excuses again?"

Much to your surprise, Kaiba brought his dominant hand to your face, cupping your cheek with it and connecting your lips anew. Your eyes fluttered open, but that wasn't the only fluttering sensation you felt — the butterflies in your stomach were proof of that. Not wanting this opportunity go to waste, you kissed him back, soon feeling like you were being pushed further into the room with every step that Kaiba took.

At some point you felt your legs hit against the bed, but neither of you stopped. Instead, you even wrapped your arms around your boss' neck, pulling him closer to yourself. This was truly hard to believe, but it was actually happening. Standing was becoming a little hard on your feet and thighs, so you decided to lean back completely, ending up falling on the bed on your back and pulling Kaiba along with you.

Seto landed on top of you, his hands resting on either side of your head since otherwise his larger body would have most likely squashed you, or so he thought. The sudden development led Kaiba to gasp slightly, which was the perfect opportunity for you to deepen the kiss and take it to the next level by slipping your tongue between his lips and inside his mouth.

Kaiba wasn't used to this sort of interaction, since you were the first person to ever genuinely want to kiss and touch him this way, so he had a hard time disguising his inexperience, but he managed quite well nonetheless. Your tongues collided with one another, soon twirling around each other in a slow motion, the action only further arousing the both of you.

The heated make-out session went on for quite a while until you could clearly feel the need for oxygen. Kaiba was panting slightly too, so you decided to pull away a bit, a thin string of saliva connecting your lips with the CEO's as you stared up at him longingly, until that last connection snapped as well.

Despite it being a luxurious mansion, the light which the lamp in this room produced wasn't so strong, so you could have been mistaken, but you could have sworn to have detected a blush searing across Kaiba's face.

Finding this new side of your boss rather cute and lovable, you caressed Kaiba's cheek, placing soft kisses and pecks over his lips, nose and other cheek, gaining another curious look out of the brunet. "Kaiba... How do you actually feel about this? About me?"


"Isn't it obvious?"


My note to you:
I want to thank all of you very much for reading this story, leaving comments and voting! <3

I don't usually write Yu-Gi-Oh! fanfics, so the many reads in such a short amount of time made me really happy! ^w^

For those who are interested, I've got two more Yu-Gi-Oh stories that are completed (I know, shameless self-publicity xD):
> Joey Wheeler x Reader
> Mahad x Reader

See you next time!

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