Chapter 8 ❀ Romantic Dinner?

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It was the usual late hours of the day and the usual things were happening: Everyone else was wrapping up while you were stuck with your work at the computer. Though today might have been a bit your fault, given how you wasted much of your precious time that could have been spent differently by sulking.

At some point it was just you and Kaiba in the office, in other words, awkward.

"You're not firing me?" You blurted out, tapping away on the keyboard as your eyes never left the bright screen. Seto, who was sorting out some documents he rather preferred burning, raised his gaze, shooting it your way. Despite the look on his face, he was glad — to say the least — that you had finally spoken to him, even if it was something like this. "Trying to get away from your work again?"

"Yeah, guess no one else but me and Roland would be able to handle you and your attitude." You muttered under your breath, but loud enough for your boss sitting at his own desk to hear. You weren't trying to give yourself special credit or anything, but the mention of Roland reminded you of a daily occurrence that hadn't happened yet today. You stopped your tapping for a moment and scooted back a bit with your chair, in oder to face your boss properly. "How come you haven't asked where Roland is by now?"

"I'm his employer, so it's obvious that I know what he has to do and where he has to be." Kaiba retorted quite cockily for it to be mostly just empty words he used to spout on a daily basis. You rolled your eyes and hummed a 'yeah yeah' before returning to your prior task. The true reason as to why Kaiba didn't ask for his other assistant's whereabouts today was that he actually did know where he was. That, of course, was because he himself entrusted Roland with a very important task — or however Mokuba decided to label it.

The CEO had sent both his male assistant and younger brother home earlier after having held that 'important' conversation with the latter in the smoking area. They were to arrange the Kaiba mansion, or at least the kitchen and living room, so that it would have a fitting atmosphere once Seto and his mysterious guest would return from the company.

The time his two helpers have had until now must have been enough, and Kaiba could also feel a silent grumbling of his own stomach. That was certainly a sign for him to start getting going. Not only him, of course. "[Name], we're leaving."

"This again?" You groaned, referring to your boss' sudden and blunt command. There was still so much individual work you needed to take care of, not to mention that you needed to find a way to handle the media and reporters after the scandal yesterday evening and the consequences of it this morning.

Despite your complaining and quite obvious lack of motivation, you saved all your progress and turned off all electronic devices you had used in the last two hours. Once all of that was done, you found your boss waiting for you at the office's door, even holding your jacket for you. "This is rich, even coming from you."

"I am rich, what do you expect me to do?" Not even surprised at Kaiba's flexibility in sassing you in any kind of scenario, you accepted the man's gesture and allowed yourself to be helped into your jacket. Still not quite over this morning's incident, you made as less body contact with the brunet as possible and avoided having to look him in the eyes directly at all costs.

Soon enough, the two of you found your ways out of the Kaiba Corporation building and onto the large parking area, more precisely to the interior of the usual company car. What was odd though, was the fact that the one behind the steering wheel wasn't you, but the CEO himself. For a moment you thought he was going to really make an effort to make up for what had happened with the media and drive you home as an apology, but that fantasy was squashed as soon as he took a few signature turns which would eventually lead to his own mansion.

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