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"a little star watches from where it's perched, the vast world constantly changing at its feet,

it watches as a woman drinks herself to sleep, dry tears streaking her cheeks, as she wishes to never wake up,

it watches as a child closes his ears, sobbing, silently begging the sky to tell his parents to stop their loud screaming,

it watches as a man sighs at his work desk, wishing for the world to go blank around him,

papers littering his desk and unhappy thoughts crossing his mind,

it watches as a singer loses her voice, only hoarse choking sounds heard as she silently lays her head on top of the piano, thinking about her shattered dreams.

it helplessly watches as they drown in pain and misery they don't deserve,

but only shines brighter hoping they would see it and let a smile grace their broken but beautiful faces"


a/n: so i never do this but i needed to explain something.

 this star is the same star that i talked about in the previous poem, this star gained its strength from happier people before, they gave him company, so now it's shining brighter for those who need strength and love just like it did.

 this star is fascinated with how different everyone is, and each kind of person teaches it a little something about the world. it's flawed too but it wants to shine for others so that they can hold onto hope that they'll find themselves just like it did. 

kind of long explanation but i needed to clarify it, i hope it made sense and i hope you like it!

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