Princess Leia Organa

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Name: Princess Leia Organa Skywalker Solo
Age: 21, then 24, then 25
Home Planet: Alderaan
Job: Senator for Alderaan at age 21, (then Alderaan was blown up), leader of the Rebel Alliance, Minister Of State for the New Republic (after Return of the Jedi)
Mother and Father: Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala Skywalker, Adoptive parents: Bail and Breha Organa
Sibling: Luke Skywalker
Married to: Han Solo
Mother of: Ben Solo/Kylo Ren
Appearance: Dark brown hair (with the legendary buns!), brown eyes, reddish lips, no freckles or blemishes
Weapon: Blaster, sometimes a lightsaber (only in serious situations)

Short but Informative Biography

After Padmé died at Leia and Luke's birth, Obi-Wan Kenobi gave her to her adoptive parents, the king and queen of Alderaan, Bail and Breha Organa. They raised her as their daughter and she grew up a princess in the Royal House of Alderaan. She became the youngest senator (ever) in the Senate at age 21. She worked secretly for the Rebel Alliance for her whole life in the time that she could. As we all know in the opening of the original Star Wars movie, her ship, the Tantive IV, attempted to outfly an imperial Star Destroyer, leading to her shooting stormtroopers, but ultimately getting abducted, helpless to aid her crew members as they were murdered before her eyes. She was brought to the Death Star and tortured by Darth Vader, but made it off before it blew up, with the help of her newfound friends and loyal droid companions, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO and R2-D2. They became close friends, and companions; an unbreakable trio. A couple years passed, and her and Han were still constantly bickering, though each secretly concealed strong feelings for the other. Unintentionally breaking her love triangle, it was forcibly revealed; she desperately tried to deny her love for Han, but had to surrender her feelings when they were caught in an intimate moment aboard the Millennium Falcon while hiding from the Empire unknowingly  inside a space slug. The famous "I love you" "I know" scene fell into play when the couple were unwillingly separated, once again, by Darth Vader in Cloud City, when they were lured into the Empire's trap and Han was frozen in carbonite. Leia then sought out help from Lando and Chewbacca to retrieve Han from Jabba the Hutt's clutches, as well as enlisting the droids to play a part in the plan Luke had thought of to rescue their beloved companion. Sneaking into the palace dressed as a bounty hunter called the Boussh, she managed to unfreeze Han from the carbonite and they shared a sweet kiss before getting caught. Together, they all ended up in the Hutt's palace as prisoners, Leia being sexualized against her will; forced into a bikini to dance and entertain Jabba. Finally, with her destroying the power on the sail barge, and strangling Jabba to death, Lando, Luke, Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2 and Leia successfully rescued Han, Lando and Chewbacca from Tatooine with Luke's help. Back at the rebel fleet, Leia and her usual companions volunteered to destroy the shield generator protecting the second Death Star by sneaking past the imperials, disguised as a cargo ship, flying down to and landing on the moon of Endor. With Han accidentally attracting the attention of some nearby Imperial Scout Troopers, Leia and Luke were forced to pursue them in a speeder bike chase through the forest, ending with Leia passed out on the forest floor. She was found by a native alien Ewok by the name of Wicket, who helps her defeat remaining Scout Troopers in the area. Leia is soon befriended by Wicket, from sharing snacks, and he takes her back to his village. Luke, Han, Chewbacca and the droids soon end up in the village as well, and Leia and Han happily reunite. That night, the Ewoks decide they are going to help the rebels and Luke senses Darth Vader on the moon, and insists to Leia he has to leave, explaining to her she is the last hope for the Rebellion, as she is his twin sister. Han finds Leia in conflict, and they share an intimate moment while he tries to reassure her. With the combined efforts of the Rebel Alliance and the Ewoks, the second Death Star is successfully blown up. Leia couldn't deny her love for Han anymore, and they fell in love, got married, and had a son named Ben Solo, who was Luke Skywalker's apprentice until he fell to the Dark Side, becoming Kylo Ren. Unfortunately, the Solo's drifted apart and Leia changed her title and became known as General Organa. *Will be updated when The Last Jedi comes out!

In the event of being captured, was Leia able to rescue herself, or be rescued?

When Darth Vader captured Princess Leia, he brought her to the Death Star and tortured her. She was scheduled to be terminated, but Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi, C3P-O and R2-D2 rescued her, and brought her back to the Rebel Base.

When Darth Vader ambushed Leia, Han and Chewie, in Cloud City, Leia was captured by Darth Vader again. Lando decided to help them, he got all his guards to outnumber the stormtroopers. Lando saved Leia and Chewie.

When Leia was Jabba the Hutt's slave, she was chained by her neck, with the other end with Jabba. When Luke, Han, and Chewie were to be killed by the Sarlaac, she smashed the control panel for the lights and everything went dark on Jabba's sail barge. She then wrapped her chain around his neck and strangled him. R2-D2 cut the chain, so she could get free of Jabba's dead body. Overall, she saved herself.

When nearly defenceless and lost in the forest after falling off her speeder bike, Leia managed to fight off two Scout Troopers that had come back to her, with a little help from her new friend, Wicket.
When a Scout Trooper cornered Han and Leia on Endor, Han surrendered for them both. Then jumped out of the way so Leia could shoot the trooper. She saved herself and Han.

Status: Able to fight for herself in most situations. Sometimes needs a rescuer.

Appearances in:

Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope

Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi

Princess Leia is my all-time favourite Star Wars character. She is sarcastic, sassy, brave, intelligent, attractive, resourceful and not to mention her awesome-possum hairstyles and wardrobe! I've even dressed up as her for Halloween! Well, if she's your favourite Star Wars character as well, remember to vote and comment.



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