Queen Amidala/Padmé

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By: @ElizabethSwann1
Cover: @ElizabethSwann1


Name: Padmé Amidala Skywalker
Age: Started at 14, then 24
Home Planet: Naboo
Home City: Theed
Job: Queen of Naboo at 14 years old, Senator for Naboo at 24 years old
Married to: Anakin Skywalker
Mother of: Princess Leia Organa Skywalker Solo and Luke Skywalker
Appearance: Dark brown hair (always awesome hairdos), brown eyes, no freckles, no blemishes
Weapon: Blaster

Short but Informative Biography

At 14 years old, Padmé Amidala became the Queen of Naboo by election of her people. Risking her life, Queen Amidala fled Naboo in order to at least attempt to negotiate the invasion the Trade Federation had executed back on her home world, in the Galactic Senate. To try and protect her life, she played the role as a handmaiden along their journey to Coruscant, switching roles with a handmaiden-bodyguard named Sabé. Along the way, she met 9 year old Anakin Skywalker, a slave born and raised on the rugged and harsh desert planet of Tatooine. He harboured an innocent crush on her, though was careful to hide it. During the journey to Coruscant, Anakin and Padmé bonded over the things they had sacrificed to get where they were, a Japor Snippet necklace Anakin had made for her, and the cold of space. Despite pleading to the Senate, they turned a blind eye to her plea for help to save the people of Naboo, forcing her to give in to Palpatine's manipulations. Coming up with a clever attack plan and strategy, Padmé successfully defeated the Trade Federation invasion army with only the sacrifice of Qui-Gon Jinn. Ten years later, at 24, she was elected the Senator for Naboo. This lead to assassination attempts on her life, leading the Jedi council to reunite her with Anakin (and Obi-Wan Kenobi) for protection. That night, another attempt to take her life was made, though Anakin was able to save her life. Coming to the final decision that she was safer on Naboo, the Jedi Council sent her reluctantly back home with Anakin as her protection, and the two fell in love, being isolated and secluded from the realities of the war brewing in the galaxy. Unfortunately, the nature of their careers forced its way into the bliss of their blooming romance, forcing the two to realize it would be impossible to work out. Soon after, Padmé accompanied Anakin back to Tatooine, providing support for him after the two of them learned of Anakin's mother, Shmi's death. While there, Obi-Wan tried to contact the Jedi Council, by hologram from the nearby planet of Geonosis. While trying to transmit the message, Obi-Wan was attacked by Geonosians, and thus Padmé decided to go rescue him, forcing Anakin to accompany her. They ended up in a droid making factory, but were ultimately separated by falling onto different conveyor belts. Nearly being burned to death in a round unclimbable-out-of jar shaped pot, she was rescued from the molten substance by R2-D2 rerouting the machine function. Obviously getting caught along with her companions, Padmé ended up in a Genosian arena, sentenced to death by facing a monster in front of a cheering crowd of Genosians, alongside Anakin and Obi-Wan. Before being taken out, Padmé surrendered her feelings of love towards Anakin as he previously had to her. She managed to fight off her challenge, escaping with only nasty claw marks on her back and likely many bumps and bruises. The two others defeated their creatures, but another Trade Federation army showed up in the arena, and their rescue as well, many Jedi. A battle commenced, but the trio all were able to survive and be airlifted out on a Republic transport. When hitting one bump too roughly, Padmé tumbled out of the ship into the sand below, unharmed. (Though one might infer that getting sand in open wounds could inflict a lot of harm). Count Dokku managed to mostly evade the Jedi, leaving only the option of returning to Naboo with Anakin. The two vowed to keep it a secret, and wed in the Lake Country on Naboo. Then, Anakin was obligates to leave for a Jedi mission for five months. When he came back, Anakin found out Padmé was pregnant. His dreams about Padmé dying at childbirth caused him to nearly go mad with power in order to stop them from coming true, ultimately leading to his downfall to the Dark Side and the loss of her will to live, shattered by what her husband had become to break her heart. Before she died, she gave birth to twins whom she named Luke and Leia. Being sent back to Naboo to appear pregnant at her funeral, Padmé's last scene was honouring her life and those around her that she'd loved and been loved by, all minus her newly appointed Darth Vader of a husband.

In the event of being captured, was Padmé able to rescue herself, or be rescued?

When the super battle droids invaded the royal hangar, the Naboo queen and her security force could not shoot and defeat them due to the shield generators. Their lasers from their guns were to weak. Anakin helped them by a long shot by using the lasers from the fighter ship he was in, clearing the way for Padmé and her crew.

When Padmé and Anakin went to Genosis, Padmé fell into a pit where the Genosians put fire. In the end, R2-D2 rescued her by shutting down the machines.

When Padmé and Anakin and Obi-Wan Kenobi were in the Genosian arena, they were chained to a post and monsters were set on them, Padmé picked her lock with a hair clip of some sort, and climbed her post. Later, Anakin killed the monster after her and she rode around with him on his monster. In the end, she saved herself.

Status: Not helpless in most situations. Only needed a rescuer once.

Appearances in:

Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace

Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones

Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith

A/N This chapter is dedicated to my best friend NyanHearts because Padmé is his favourite Star Wars character (as well as Jar Jar Binks but he doesn't fit in this book). He's an amazing person so please go follow him and read his amazing books. If Padmé is your favourite Star Wars character, remember to vote and comment!



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