Chapter 4

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August 15, 2009

I couldn't stand just staying inside any longer. I'd read all of the books on my bookshelves and then some. I'd baked muffins with Ms. Mauve and made alfredo with Caden. With Emmett going on the string of meetings, I was going stir crazy. It didn't take much convincing for Triljon to let me go for a walk. I was genuinely surprised that he'd let me go on my own though.

There was a path through the woods that melded with the local forest preserve. I could walk without being disturbed or really disturbing anyone else. It was just a brisk walk, around a couple of small, man-made lakes. It didn't take longer than two hours and I was both wonderfully exhausted and invigorating at the end. I couldn't wait to jump into a long shower.

As I rounded the last corner going back toward the house, I noticed a group gathered at our gate. I tried to be as conspicuous as possible, tucking my chin, keeping my eyes on the path beneath me. I thought about just putting up a visual block, keep them from seeing me at all, but I decided to save my strength. I got closer and every face turned my way. From an early age, I'd become accustomed to stares. From humans and supes alike. I wasn't too bothered by people who were curious about us. I didn't like the people who stared because they think we're something to be judged or even exterminated.

I had no way of knowing which category the group fell into. I was hoping they were the former. Even if they didn't know who I was, they knew of the infamous home of Edna Barker and her "circus freaks". I was wearing a wife-beater so, Katzul, my constant companion, was in full view. I'd become self-conscious of my scars so, covering them with a bit of glamour was just a part of waking up for me. I didn't even show them to Emmett. I thought the humans were staring at Katzul, my moving tattoo. Most people did and it didn't bother me, as it didn't bother her. I was starting to believe she enjoyed the attention. She sure enjoyed Emmett's attentions.

I continued to walk down the path and they followed me. I wasn't going to let it bother me until a guy jumped out of an unmarked van and stuck a camera in my face. A woman wearing a bright green pantsuit and way too much makeup came up from behind me. Instinctively, my fists clenched and a growl slipped through.

"Just a short interview, Mrs. Hunter, please," the woman said.

Most reporters don't say please. I regained my composure and gave her a half-smile. She took it as permission and put a microphone up between us, putting a hand on my shoulder. I hated when people touched me. I never understood what the deal was with always having to touch someone. I did everything in my power not to squirm under her hand or growl at being touched by a random human.

"And... three, two, one," the guy with the camera said and pointed in our direction.

"I'm standing here with Nora Hunter, frontrunner of the Team Xtreme tour and the Cursed Queen," she said, doing a good job of keeping the bitterness out of her voice.

Like most humans, she didn't know how to hide her thoughts. She didn't like me. I didn't need to read her thoughts to know that. The humans had begun calling me the Cursed Queen when Jean-Claude outed me as queen a year or two ago. He didn't specify what I was queen of when he outed the entire supernatural community, including his fellow vampires, but the humans took "the queen" and decided I was the queen of everything and everyone. If they ever went to Court with us, they'd know that was far from the truth. An evangelical spouted off about me being the Cursed Queen on one of those partisan news networks and it caught like wildfire.

"While married, Mrs. Hunter is the girlfriend of the vampire king, Jean-Claude de Beaufort." I wasn't expecting that. "They have not officially announced it, but Hunter and de Beaufort have been dating for months."

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