22 - Re-united

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I stood in front of the MCLP.

Martell Cafe Lunch Palace.

The place where I would meet Genvi.

The place where I would finally have a one on one conversation.

Also the place where I could easily kill him even if he had guards surrounded everywhere but I wouldn't because I still needed my mom and the truth.

'Don't get me wrong, I wasn't scared at all.'

"You know I'm a big liar and I'm obviously scared but that doesn't mean your'e any better self conscience." I told myself.

"Ok now you're just talking to yourself."

"You know I can hear everything you're saying right?"

"Not now Camille. I'm trying to go reverse psychology on my conscience here! He's not easy to deceive!" I told Camille.

I had a speaker in my ear. Camille could hear what was going on and I could talk to her.


"Don't scream." I wined.

I slowly opened the door and stepped in. It was easy to know where he was because guards surrounded him.

I walked to his table, my legs were wobbling.

Why was I scared?

You wouldn't understand.

He gave me a mark. A mark that was impossible to heal. I would never be free from it till I ended his life.

"Mr Torenzo?"

"Miss Sky, pleased to make your acquaintance." He said standing and doing a little curtsey.

"You don't have to be so formal sir. So what am I here for?" I sat in front of him trying as much as possible not to strangle him.

"Well I thought you already knew. My son....he's dead."

"Oh....wow I'm so sorry." I put on a sad face and he did too.

Bastard, acting like you cared.

"Yes....his sister ran away some years ago-"

"Why is that?" I interrupted. What's he gonna lie about now? That I wanted to frame him for being the worst father ever?

"She always hated me for never having time for her and ran away thinking it would ruin my reputation and make people think I'm a bad father."

I couldn't believe people would fall for this. If I wasn't the one listening to this, I would foolishly believe because his reputation made him look like a good guy.

It was even worse that people believed I ran away because I hated him.

Well I did but there were perfect reasons why.

If you're wondering then yes people knew Genvi had children.

One who's dead now and one who supposedly ran away.

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