5. Points

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As they draw closer to the tournament, Myria can barely focus on one thing. The lists, the main sparring area for the joust, is filled with many performers appealing to the morning crowd, including dancers, fire-eaters, musicians, and even acrobats. The whole field is enveloped in a cacophony of sounds and smells as food vendors peddle their smoked meats and fresh bred around the stands. Tents are erected around the site, and in the center of the stands is a vast pavilion filled with various nobles and a wooden balcony overlooking the field.

Geffrey leads their wagon to the stables and armory. Myria suppresses the urge to throw up as she climbs off the wagon, gripping the side with white fingers.

"Lady Myria!"

She slowly turns around and is relieved to see Eulalia approaching her. Her friend is garbed similarly in a green cotton dress and leathers. Her hair is divided into two small braids, tied with white ribbons.

Eulalia pauses, noticing her expression. "Are you feeling well?"

Myria sways for a moment, gripping Eulalia's arm for support. "I have to confess. I am, in no uncertain terms, prepared for this. I'm going to look like an idiot in front of all those people."

Eulalia smiles tenderly, patting the hand on her arm. Myria reflexively loosens her grip as Eulalia reminds her, "You must not let them see if they intimidate you."

Myria frowns, recognizing her own words. "I told you that. You shouldn't use my own words against me."

Eulalia gives a small laugh. "Come. The first game is archery. Have you ever held a bow?"

She leads her away from the stables towards a rack of short bows. The official archery targets have already been set up further down the field, and Myria can see the other ladies starting to gather near the range. Eulalia pushes a bow in her hands, and Myria tests the strength, pulling the string back a few times. If anything, she only has experience in archery. She had used to hunt in Talking Tree Forest for small game for their dinner. She hopes the skill will translate today as she shoulders a quiver of new arrows.

"Each of us has two targets to hit," Eulalia explains as they walk towards the range. "A round target and a dummy. You have five turns with each target for a total of ten arrows. With the round target, you want to hit the center as much as possible. With the dummy, the center is in the chest, but you get more points if you can hit the head."

Myria nods, processing the information. "That doesn't sound too difficult."

"Lady Myria! Lady Eulalia! It's so nice of you to join us!" Theodora calls. Her cotton dress is black, and her platinum hair is tied into an intricate bun with the same sword hairpin from the masquerade.

Myria takes a deep breath and forces the same composed smile for Theodora's eagerness. Cressida, in her red dress, notices the noise and similarly joins the group. Brigid stands nearby in her blue dress, Sabine in purple.

"Now, I know that they don't expect much from us in these little games, but time for some friendly honesty. How many of you have been practicing your archery skills?" Theodora asks, looking at each of them with thinly-veiled smugness.

Cressida sneers at the question. "The Nocturnus family is always ready for combat. I've trained for this my entire life."

Theodora maintains her smirk. "You've trained your entire life for this moment? Let's hope you do well since you're not prepared to win the prince over otherwise."

Cressida frowns, folding her arms across her chest. "I am very prepared to win the prince."

Theodora ignores her, turning her attention elsewhere. "What about you, Lady Eulalia? When's the last time you practiced your archery?"

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