6. Favour

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Everyone in the armory quickly acknowledges Leor's entrance with a bow, even Myria, who struggles to do so awkwardly in the armor. Several guards flank the prince's presence in public, and Myria can see Emiri shadowing behind. The large number of visitors inside the armory makes Myria acutely aware of how every crevice of her body drips of sweat. She hopes the metal of the suit traps any unpleasant smells.

"Thank you all," Leor says graciously. "I hope I am not interrupting." His garb is similar to Geffrey's, with a dark red shirt and unblemished leathers that are more fine in quality and style. Myria thinks he looks ready to command an army.

"You are certainly not interrupting," Geffrey assures him quickly. "We were all wishing Myria the best of luck for the joust."

Myria suppresses the urge to roll her eyes at Geff's innocuous lie.

Leor hesitates. "I would like to do the same." His words hang in the air for a moment before he clarifies, "In private."

No further command is required on his part as Geff, Eulalia, and Olympe quickly rush out of the armory tent. The guards also keep their distance, filing outside to circle the tent with Emiri, who casts one last, furtive glance at them before following behind the others.

Myria is almost relieved she doesn't have to move anywhere yet, thinking it would look like a strange sight with her shuffling around in the cumbersome suit of armor. She does not dare to glance down at herself to see what hulking shape the armor has turned her into. She knows it cannot be a flattering look.

"Leor," she greets with a strained smile. "I had not expected any more private moments, at least for a while."

He smiles sheepishly. "I am sorry for placing you in such a predicament. I was just surprised when I had heard you would be jousting against Duchess Cressida. I had to see it for myself."

Myria smiles at him playfully. "Did you not think I would go through with it?"

"After the minotaur, I would be remiss to doubt your determination, but I do wish you would perhaps reconsider?" he poses hopefully.

The bravado and excitement she had felt earlier dim, and she frowns at him, not understanding. "You don't want me to joust?"

He reaches for her hands, pausing only to ensure they don't have an audience. "Only because I do not wish to see you harmed. I am sorry if that seems rather selfish of me." He squeezes her fingers gently through her gloves.

"Did you know my mother was one of the last ladies to joust?" she asks.

The information is news to him. "Is that why you wish to joust? To continue her legacy?"

"I wanted to joust before Olympe even told me about my mother."

Guilt stretches across Leor's face. "Do you want to joust because of me? I can't stand the thought of you getting harmed on my behalf."

Myria suffers a small smile. "If you think it is so dangerous, perhaps you should abstain from jousting as well?"

The suggestion makes him laugh. "A fair point. If I cannot dissuade you from the joust, then I wish you take the utmost care. It would pain me to see you injured."

"I appreciate your kind concern," she says softly. "I will do my best."

Leor's blue eyes burn fiercely into hers as he pulls her hands closer to him. "Please promise me you will be safe," he whispers in a husky voice that clenches her stomach and chills the back of her neck.

The severity of his words leaves her little choice. "I promise."

He plants a kiss on the back of one of her gloves. "My thoughts are entirely with you today."

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