12. Pearl

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The following week, the court prepares for the short excursion to Dawnmourne Keep. The Nocturnus castle is nestled in the wintry, mountain land of Duchess Cressida. Despite the summer's warm beginning, Olympe arranges for several warm, thick dresses to be ready when they set off for their journey as well as new gowns for courtly dinners and elegant dancing in preparation for their upcoming frigid destination.

Grandma Iris sends her own letter, but it is too brief and unenlightening for Myria, detailing nothing more of the mysteries surrounding Callia Bramble's history. Myria decides she will write another letter once they return from Dawnmourne.

Meanwhile, Myria's days pass in much the same fashion. In the mornings, she learns magic from Emiri. Her progress is steady as she practices conjuring various objects, from food to weapons and even furniture. After an hour of this, Emiri switches the lesson to practice her telekinesis or sharpen her healing skills. For telekinesis, he has her practice precision with writing or painting. She likewise practices stamina by standing great distances from the object she moves. The healing he teaches her is different from her self-taught experiences. Instead, Emiri instructs her to practice on a carved human mannequin to identify the different energy paths flowing through the body. The science proves complex as she traces the patterns in the air above the dummy. Emiri explains how each part of the body requires different attention and using magic to heal is best spent to speed up the body's natural process without disrupting other energy flows. Her moon crystal proves more reliable than any sprig of lavender growing in her garden at home.

Her mornings with Emiri bring her the most peace, despite being the most physically draining. Each spell she uses demands a little of her own energy in return, leaving her thoroughly tired after each lesson. Even so, there is no pressure from Emiri to hold herself in an inauthentic way. The only expectation is to do her best with magic. It is a welcome change, especially when she rejoins the rest of the court, where it shifts into a tiring balancing act between forced smiles and barbed words.

During the mornings with him, she does little to suppress the urges to find out more about him, questioning him about his family, his time at the palace, and his time with Leor. Most of the time, he remains enigmatic, merely smiling faintly at her endless inquiries. Occasionally, she is rewarded with minor factoids about his life. However, even Myria, recalling the familiarity of Rozenna's touch, avoids asking about his history with her.

After magic lessons, Myria changes into proper court attire and learns about etiquette, nobility, and history from her cousin Geffrey. These lessons take place in an empty ballroom and are not as taxing as Emiri's. However, the courtly expectation wears on her soul, making it more exhausting to sit through. Her attention frequently wanes.

The afternoons are spent with the ladies of the court, usually Lady Eulalia, who enjoys walking through the gardens to discuss the latest gossip. Lady Brigid joins them occasionally, and Olympe even less so. The hours toil along in their leisure before stretching into dinner, a social affair that ensures an aching smile plastered to her face.

The routine finally ends when the day for their departure arrives. Geffrey wakes Myria early, and she slowly prepares herself for the long, impending ride, lamenting the disruption to her magic studies. Olympe has a riding outfit arranged for her, a simple green and black ensemble with loose sleeves, a velvet cape, and ties in the front. It is undoubtedly one of the more comfortable dresses she's been gifted, but her aunt is always quick to suffocate any optimism with the corset ties.

Servants mill about the room, hauling luggage to the stables as their wagons are prepared. Geffrey takes the opportunity to trace the path of the Summer Courtship on a curling map of Avalion. He begins at the center, the Ilona capital. "The summer social season follows a traditional path counterclockwise that corresponds to the order of families hosting the events," he explains.

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