10. Strength

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As expected, Olympe has a dress waiting for her when she returns to the suite, and it is a massive, formal thing. The black, thick folds of fabric prove an enormous weight in the full skirt that flares around her frame and the ridiculously long bell sleeves that reach past her hands. The bodice is covered with gold thread designs, the boning of which works in tandem with her corset to make breathing impossible. In the mirror, Myria can cede that it looks lovely on her frame, but she feels utterly stifled on the inside.

"That's how you know it's doing its job," Olympe says in a hollow tone as she works on her hair, braiding the small front pieces into a small crown as the rest is left loose and curled. "To remind a woman that her place is to be silent and suffocated."

Myria steals a glance at her aunt's attire in the mirror, noticing she is also adorned in a formal black dress. Her aunt's dress appears more restricting, denser with additional layers and a front gold panel. Myria's shoulders and collarbone are at least free from fabric, a style for younger ladies of court Olympe had explained. "Do you really think that's a woman's place?" she asked.

Olympe scowls as she continues working. "Whether I believe it or not is irrelevant. It is the world we have been thrust in."

Myria leans back into her aunt's fingers as well as she can in the tight gown. "Are you coming with me to the queen's lunch?"

Olympe offers the first hint of a smile Myria had seen from her so far that day. "I couldn't leave you to the wolves on your own. So far, you seem to handle yourself pretty well, but an afternoon of ladies can be too much for anyone." She sticks out her tongue, pretending to gag, and Myria laughs at the sight.

"Is that why you avoid as many social events as you can?"

Olympe laughs, a high-pitched tinkling sound without humor. "Darling, that is just the tip of why I avoid any and all social events I can."

"Can you tell me what to expect from this one? I've never even spoken to the queen. Even at the masquerade, it was just a passing greeting."

"Well, today, you're going to get the chance to know her a bit more intimately. I'm not sure what she's got planned, but the safest way to play it is to be humble, respectful. Don't look her in the eye unless she's directly speaking to you. The queen favors polite ladies at court, but she is not a fan of fake flatteries. She's more impressed with honesty than compliments, and it's important to get on her good side today. She's the mother of the prince you're trying to marry, and if chosen, it's her position you will be taking. The Queen of Avalion."

Olympe leads the way through the east wing, but instead of walking past the Wizard's Tower, they turn in a different direction up the staircase. The halls Myria sees here belong to the elegant abode of royalty. The walls are adorned with paintings of faraway landscapes, and their footsteps echo against the polished tile that gleams their reflection. Her aunt stops before some double doors, explaining how it is the entrance to the queen's dining room. Myria is merely stunned that the queen has her own dining room.

The doors are opened, revealing a long table laden with silver dishes and cutlery. There are several ladies already seated, including the five other suitors. Myria catches Eulalia's eyes for a moment before she realizes Queen Eloria is also already sitting at the head of the table, her face a smooth, unreadable mask. She wears a deep crimson dress today that is sewn with rubies, and her honey hair is down, making her appear significantly younger. The crown remains on her head from the first time Myria had seen her, the sapphire and diamond jewels sparkling even in the midday light that streams in through the tall windows on either side of the room.

Thankfully, Olympe is the one to break the silence as she sweeps into a low curtsy that Myria hurriedly follows. "Forgive us for our tardiness, your majesty," her aunt says in a demure voice. "Lady Hawthorne is still becoming acquainted with the palace."

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