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Jimin POV......

His apartment was actually nice, mine was messy and small which weren't a very good combination especially since I'm too busy to clean anyways.

His was also small but very put together and smelled really nice besides that fact he smokes. "You can take a sit right there." He pointed to a brown chair it was cute and matched the kitchens colors like a rustic vibe.

And there was paintings all over the place not to be dramatic but they were, I wasn't complaining of course they were beautiful. He started to take out food from the fridge and I wondered if he'd mind if I looked at the paintings.

"You can look if you want Jimin." Taehyung announced turning around with a pan in his hand, I blushed and stood up walking up to one of them. Very gloomy themes though, like a boy with an ice cream cone that fell.

And thunder, dead plants and graves too, goth-like themes never the less they were pretty. At the bottom of each painting it had the initials K.T.H.

"Are these all yours Taehyung?" Jimin asked tracing his finger over the initials. "Yeah, I used to paint." "They are really beautiful, have you ever tried showcasing them?" The younger chuckled dryly.

"No, and I don't think I will. Here." He placed a plate of food down on the table were Jimin was seated. "If you don't mind why not?" Jimin asked taking a bite of food.

"I don't know, I guess I'm not as passionate about it as I used to." He shrugged Jimin nodded. "What about you? Are you a professional dancer."

Jimin giggled a little. "I hope to be one day, but I'm just a student for now." "Oh, for how long?" "About 6 years; you?" "5 years after high school I moved here."

"What did you move here for?" Jimin asked curiously " I was going to a a performing arts school but once I couldn't afford it I stopped and moved out of the campus here." "I'm sorry to hear that." The younger shrugged.

"If it makes you feel better, it's really beautiful over here around sunset and maybe you'd like to draw that. Your paintings are really sad." Jimin blushed in embarrassment. "I-I mean there not bad I-I just thought y-you'd want to- "hey it's okay, I usually paint based on my mood or my current situation so most are gloomy or sad."

Jimin frowned slightly, feeling bad for him. "Thank you for the food Taehyung I really appreciate it." Jimin stood up and when Tae laughed slightly, "you took one bite." "I don't eat much but it was really good I can take it to go. Plus I have to practice." Taehyung nodded getting up to fetch him a container.

"Here you go. Thanks for stopping by Jimin I hope we can do it agin." Jimin smiled taking the food "me too Taehyung, me too." Jimin waved before heading out the door clinging to the container in his arms.

He was completely swoon by Kim Taehyung.

I'm sorry super short 😔 but I needed this one part out so I can finish working on the next chapter without stressing. I hope you liked it and agin I'm sorry 😭

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