Blonde Missy

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"STOP MESSING AROUND APRIL!" Jimin recognized the loud voice and looked behind her at Taehyung who was holding a burning pan in his hand.

The woman smiled mischievously at Jimin. "What? I'm only kidding with him!" She grabbed Jimin's arm and brought him inside.

"Hi, I'm April. One of Taehyung's oldest friends. It's a pleasure to finally meet you Jimin. I've heard so much about you, your a good dancer!" Jimin smiled at her awkwardly not knowing what to say.

"Uhm-yes, I wouldn't say a very good dancer but-" Taehyung coughed throwing the pan down. "Don't lie Jimin. Your one of the best dancers I've seen in awhile.

"Your a ballerina no?" Jimin nodded agin, "yes yes, my sisters used to do that they didn't make there auditions and ended up becoming house wives. Boring right?" She laughed grabbing a bag of carrots off the counter where they were cooking.

"W-was there a reason-you wanted me to stop by for?" Jimin asked waving the smoke coming from the stove.

Taehyung laughed. "Not really. Just to introduce you to April. She'll be staying with me for a few weeks." April hummed back hugging Tae.

"I want to see Paris and what better way to save money then to stay with my bestie?" She let him go sighing.

"He's such a good person yea?" Jimin nodded.

"Well if that's all...I should go practice now..I'll see you tomorrow." He left before Tae or April could stop him.

He rushed into his apartment and locked the door.


That's a really pretty name.


"So she was just there?" Alaine asked while scrubbing the marble floor of the estate.

Jimin hummed moping not to far from her. "That's weird. No wonder it was so Smokey last night. I could barely breath!"

Jimin looked at her and she shrugged. "Sorry, but seriously what if they really are just friends? I mean he obviously is into you, he watched you dance. What else could that mean, I might be a little bit older than you but I'm pretty sure it means he likes you."

Jimin sighed and stopped moping. "And what if I was being delusional? What if they really are together and are hiding it so they don't hurt my feelings!?" "Now thats a bit of a stretch darling."

"AHEM!" Jimin and Alaine stopped talking and looked up at the bars of the top of the staircase.

"I pay you to clean not talk and fill my house with unwanted noise!" The older woman yelled.

"My poor niece is practicing in her room and your taking is distracting her greatly!" Jimin flinched at her words.

"We are sorry madam. It won't happen again." She grimaced and walked away.

Alaine laughed but Jimin was serious. "Sorry I can't take her serious when she yells her old lady skin flaps move." She laughed and Jimin rolled his eyes and giggled.


"Jimin can you do a quick dust upstairs and I'll get our things and call a cab?" Jimin nodded and took some of the dusting equipment upstairs with him and starting dusting and wiping down the accent tables and a few vases and pictures on the walls.

Even though lady Mariam was a evil and unhappy senior, her pictures and paintings of her family were pretty.

He'd often get upset when he looked at them for too long, reminding him of what he gave up back home for his dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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