Go Harder Park

407 19 12

Ludivine Les Salons, Ballet School;
Jimin POV;

"What makes a dancer? Hmm? Vhat gives the soul the fire! The passion? What makes a dancer?" Ms. Red asked dramatically flinging her arms around with her basic red lipstick and long red coat with her blonde hair up in a bun.

The class was quiet. Just watching her too scared to say much. She walked around the group, her red bottoms clanking on the floor irritably.

"You don't know? How iz it yous don't know!" She shouted. "You cannot be a dancer vithout a purpose! If yous vant it vork for it! Yous have to go hard! Failure is not acceptable in this class. Fail and you are done for." She spat walking away dramatically.

"Is it me or is she getting tougher on us?" Jungkook asked following to the beams with Jimin. The older sighed lifting his leg onto the beam and start stretching.

"It's not just you. She has my bones aching all over, everyday." He sighed eyes closing as he listened to the slight cracks of his leg bones.

"Same. Hey hyung it's kind of funny to ask and I know your busy but would you like to come with me to maybe dinner or something after practice just as friends though." He stopped with a hopeful smile.

Jimin thought about it and guessed he could go to bed late after practice when he gets home from dinner. "Sure thanks what time I have to work at your brothers though today." He reminded.

"Y-yeah I know I was thinking we could just leave from there together." Jimin nodded.

"Sounds fun. I might have to stop home though just to get clothes." "That's cool-"



Taehyung sat on the steps of the old apartment cigarette in between his hands as he watched some of the small squirrels, and bugs leap from leaves and branches on the tree above the house.

Unexpectedly the door to the apartment at the end of the hall opened and appearing a small man about Jimin's size with a black hat over his head and a long matching coat.

Walking down the hall and on the steps he coughed into his jacket continuing to walk away, the stranger was about to walk out the gate but turned around facing Taehyung.

"Can you not smoke out here? The vents are shit and I almost die every morning from the fumes." He complied eyes dead but lightly glaring at him. Pale skin shinning in the morning light.

Taehyung was taken back by his features and chuckled. "What about it honey? Its not illegal to smoke." "And yet your killing me slowly with that poisonous shit." He laughed only louder.

"Your funny neighbor. I'm Taehyung, I've been here only for a few." "I know who you are. Your a painter from America.." Taehyung went quiet.

"How'd you know about that?" "I've seen some of your galleries before in the paper, you used to be so talented. I guess that's what jealousy and alcohol does to people like you."

With that the man started to walk away coughing lightly.

Taehyung threw the cigarette walking back into his room shocked.

How could he know? I haven't painted in years. And I left that life behind.

Who is that guy anyways? He never even leaves his apartment.


I feel bad for that kid at the end of the hall, poor thing doesn't know what he's getting into with that scammer Kim Taehyung.

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