Chapter 2

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second chapter featuring ✨My Wife✨

hope you enjoy :)


"Miss Maximoff, would you please show Harley to one of the guest bedrooms."

Wanda looked at Steve questioningly but rose to her feet when he nodded his head slightly.

"Follow me." She said to Harley with a polite smile.

Harley awkwardly followed Wanda into the elevator, keeping her eyes to the ground to avoid eye contact with any of the Avengers.

"FRIDAY, take us to floor thirty eight please." Wanda said. Harley noticed the slight accent the other girl had and tilted her head slightly as she wondered who the witch could be talking to.

"Of course, Miss Maximoff." Called FRIDAY's voice from above the two girls.

"Who...? What...?" Said Harley as she tried to find the right words to voice her confusion.

"That's FRIDAY, she's Stark's personal AI, but she's also present throughout the building."

"Oh..." Was the only response Harley could come up with before the elevator doors opened and Wanda led her past a small living area and into a hallway. She stopped in front of one of the many doors, "Here we are."

Harley opened the door and stepped inside the large room. The walls were a light beige that complimented the few paintings that hung on them and the king-sized bed in the centre of the room was of a similar colour that made the room feel warm and welcoming, despite never being lived in. All it lacked was a little personality and anyone would be greatful to call it their own.

Harley looked around the room--her room--in wonder. Of all the places she's lived over the past years she's never had a room like this. Most of the time she had to share a room, so this was a definite upgrade. For once the bed actually looked comfortable and the windows showed the stunning view of New York.

"Here's where you'll be staying while you're here. You're free to explore whatever areas of the compound that FRIDAY allows you to, and if you need any help with anything you can just ask her or your personal AI." Said Wanda from behind her. That sentence alone was enough to break her out of her daze.

"Did you say personal AI?"

"Yep! Everyone who lives in the compound gets their own AI that helps them around. I believe it was actually Pepper, Stark's girlfriend's, idea to make people feel more at home here."

"So I get to name it and everything?" Harley asked, excitement glowing in her bright blue eyes.

"Of course." Wanda said as she smiled at the childish side of the other girl. "Initiate room AI creation."

"Good evening, Miss Maximoff and Miss Laurens. Please choose the voice you would like me to have." Said a monotone voice. Blue holograms appeared in front of the girls and Wanda demonstrated to Harley how to test different voices for her AI. She eventually settled on a soft, femenine voice that had a slight British accent.

"Now please choose a name for me." The new voice said warmly.

"I think I'll name you... Riley." Harley said after taking a minute to think.

"Thank you Miss Laurens. AI creation complete."

"Nice name." Wanda said.

"Thanks." Harley replied, adverting her eyes to the ground with a shy smile. It was then that Wanda was reminded of the cuts and bruises on the young girl's face.

"Let me get you a first aid kit." She said before leaving the room.

Wanda returned from where Harley later found out was her own bathroom with a green box in hand. The two girls sat besides each other on the bed and Wanda gently began to clean the other girl's cut lip.

"So, how did this happen?" She asked while attempting not to apply too much pressure that would hurt Harley.

"I don't actually know. One second I was arguing with Todd and the next... I was in a car with Uncle Nick. It's strange. I don't remember what happened and Nick refuses to tell me but I just have this bad feeling about it, you know?"

Wanda nodded her head in understanding. This used to happen to her when she first got her powers. She would lose control when she felt extremely strong emotions, mainly anger, and then not remember a thing.

"Who's Todd?" Wanda asked, attempting to help Harley open up a bit more.

"He is--or was--one of my foster parents. Wasn't the nicest person, but that goes for most of the families that I've stayed with over the years." Harley replied as she tried to stop herself from flinching.

"Well now you have a permanent family here, even if we don't act like it sometimes. I know how you feel. I lost my parents many years ago so it was just me and my twin brother Pietro for a while. Then he died, saving the world with the Avengers. It hit me hard and it felt like things were never going to get better, but I soon learned that I did still have family. The Avengers helped me grow stronger from it, and now I get to help them continue to save the world like he would have done. " She paused for a second as she blinked away tears that had begun to form in her eyes, "Or try to help them, at least." She said, remembering what happened in Nigeria only a few weeks ago.

"I saw what happened on the news. It wasn't your fault, you know." Harley attempted to comfort Wanda, already feeling close to the girl despite only knowing her less than a day.

"Thank you, Harley." Wanda looked at her with a small smile before rising to her feet.

"It's getting late so I should probably go. If you need anything my room is the one opposite this one." She said before leaving the room.

Alone for the first time that day, Harley didn't know what to do with herself and decided to test out the new AI.

"Hey Riley, what time is it?"

"Twenty two minutes past eleven, Miss."

"Please just call me Harley, "Miss" makes me feel old. "

"Of course, Harley."

Another moment passed before Harley realised something.

"Riley, please could you show me today's news?"

"I'm sorry, but Mr Stark has prevented me from completing your request."

Harley groaned as she face planted onto her bed. Why was Nick so determined not to let her know what happened? The whole thing just seemed suspicious to Harley.

Time passed before Harley decided that she might as well at least try to get some sleep, although the anxious thoughts filling her head made it seem impossible even if her bed did make her feel like she was lying on a marshmallow.

Hours went by before her mind grew as tired as her body and allowed her to drop into a deep sleep.

chapter 2 has been completed!!! these chapters will probably just be released as I write them, instead of me uploading them regularly so that I don't feel stressed.

the next few chapters will be a bit more interesting, I promise

I hope you're all happy and healthy :)


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