Chapter 4

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This chapter hasn't been edited so please let me know if they're any mistakes :)


Harleen layed still on her bed facing the wall of glass that looked over the never ending forest beside the compound. Fury had banned the girl from attending school "for safety reasons" meaning she had little to do and had quickly grown bored. This was the third day that she had avoided leaving her room apart from when she snuck out now and then for food when she was sure that nobody else was in the kitchen. 

The Avengers had decided to leave her alone for the time being, none of them quite knowing how to help the distressed girl and each of them being far too busy discussing the accords.

"It has been twelve hours since you last ate something, Harley, and your blood sugar levels are quite low. May I suggest that you at least have a snack? We have strawberries in the kitchen." Riley's voice startled the girl out of her daydream and she sat up on her bed. Although she was just an AI Riley sounded surprisingly sincere as though she was actually concerned for Harley.

"I'm not hungry Riley."

"If you do not eat within the next hour then I will be forced to inform Mr Stark of your current condition."

That was enough to get Harley to stand up from her bed and slowly make her way across the room. The billionaire had made it clear that he wasn't happy about having the teenager living in the compound, and the last thing she wanted to do was cause more trouble for him.

The brunette peaked her head out of her door to make sure that nobody else was in the hallway before walking to the kitchen area.

She sighed in relief when she saw that nobody else was there and began to hunt for the strawberries Riley had told her about. Not that she would tell you, but Harley absolutely loved strawberries. She couldn't get enough of them, so she grabbed a bowl from the nearest shelf and began to fill it with the sweet fruit.

However Harley paused when she heard the faint noise of a TV coming from another room.

"-part of the building collapsed seemingly due to an explosion, the cause of which is still unknown."

Harley's curiosity got the better of her and she followed the sound until she reached a small living area where she found a familiar red haired woman facing a TV with a dark haired man stood beside her.

"Each of the residents of the apartment were announced to be dead apart from fifteen year old Harleen Laurens, who miraculously survived with very little injuries."

Harley dropped her bowl in shock as she saw her old apartment building displayed on the screen along with a picture of her face. The sudden noise caused the two Avengers to turn and face the girl, realising that she had heard the whole thing.

"Look, Harleen, everythings gonna be fine. I just need you to remain calm." Tony attempted to sooth the girl as Natasha swiftly grabbed the remote to turn off the TV. Fury was going to have their heads for this.

Harley just shook her head, tears falling down her face. "They told me they wouldn't do anything."

"Who told you?" Natasha asked as she shared a concerned look with Tony.

"You promised you'd leave me alone!" The girl shouted at something that neither the assassin or the mechanic could see.

"What are you talking to, kid?" Tony felt helpless. If only he could've seen inside her mind and understood so he could help.

"JUST SHUT UP AND GO AWAY!" She continued to yell at the air before collapsing to the ground with her hands over her ears and letting out a blood curdling scream.

Natasha attempted to get closer to Harley but was pushed away harshly by a black mist that swirled from the girl's body and slammed into a nearby wall, knocking her unconscious. With another scream the darkness spread all throughout the room, hurling objects towards Tony who only just missed them all.

All the noise had drawn the attention of the other Avengers who now all stood cautiously in the doorway of the room.

"Wanda, you gotta get in her head and get her to stop." Tony said slightly out of breath from dodging the various items being thrown his way.

"No... I-I can't I'll hurt her." The Sokovian replied, remembering what happened in Nigeria.

"If you don't then this whole building is going to collapse and a whole lot of people are going to get hurt." Tony attempted to look the witch in the eye but was interrupted when a sparkly pink mug with the words "I'm THAT bitch" on it flew by his head, missing him by only a few centimetres, and smashed against the wall. "That was my favourite mug." He mumbled to himself.

"You can do this, Wanda." Vision offered words of encouragement as he witnessed her panicky state.

After taking a deep breath Wanda closed her eyes in order to focus on her magic. She let her powers flow towards Harley and surround her, preventing the dark mist from hurting anyone else. The brunette quickly penetrated the other girls mind and instantly fell to the ground, overwhelmed with all the activity.

Voices. So many voices. Angry ones, yelling at Harley. Sincere ones, trying to get the angry ones to stop. Childish ones, seemingly finding the conflict hilarious.

Harley was trapped inside her own mind; imprisoned by invisible forces that were only growing more powerful and taking a more physical stance as her body grew too weak to stop them.

Wanda could feel herself slipping, her too finding it hard to fight off the antagonised spirits. Before she could think too much about it, the Sokovian shut down the other girl's mind, forcing her into a coma before slipping unconscious herself, her mind and body too weak to stay awake from the strain on her powers.

The darkness slowly returned to Harley's body as her screaming came to an end, leaving the Avengers even more confused than when she had first arrived at the compound.

"What the fuck just happened?"

I'm so sorry it's been so long since I last updated this story!!! My teachers are setting me a shit ton of extra work since my school was shut down cus of corona, so I've been hella busy.

I hope you're all healthy and enjoyed this chapter

-Cat <3

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