Chapter 6

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"Again." Natasha said as she observed Harley and Wanda training. The spy had decided to train Harleen personally, occasionally with the help of Wanda since she was the only one on the team with powers similar to the teenager's. Steve was also supposed to be helping, but he was away on "personal business".

Breathing heavily, Harley stood up from where she had fallen on the floor and looked up at Wanda.


C'mon, Charlie, I know you're tired but you promised you'd help me impress them. Harley told the voice in her head. The last thing I want to do is force you, but I have to prove to them that I'm more than just a pathetic little orphan.

Charlie was one of the many spirits that had haunted the brunette over the years and one of the few to stay with her so long. When alive the boy had the unusual ability to manipulate the four classical elements; earth, water, fire and air. With his powers being so difficult to control, Charlie often found himself getting into all sorts of trouble, much to his parent's dismay.

At the age of 13 he decided to run away and used his powers to make sure he was never caught. He found a small group of people around his age who took him in and taught him how to survive on the streets. They became his family.

All it took was one bullet for it all to come to an end. A simple case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Like many other lost souls, Charlie was drawn to Harley. She was the only person who could hear him, the only one who knew that part of him had never died.

Every now and then he would leave the girl to check on his family. Sometimes it was just for a few days, other times months, but unlike the others he always came back to her.

He had been there when she was sent to her first foster family. He had been there the first time one of her foster parents hit her. He had been there, amongst others, when she couldn't protect herself from Todd.

And now he was here, allowing her to practice using his power so that she could prove herself to others.

Watching as Wanda formed a ball of energy in her hands, Harley quickly thought of a plan in her head.

As the witch began to force her powers towards the other girl Harley sent a gust of wind her way, causing the blast to turn back towards the spellcaster.

Wanda attempted to dodge the ball of energy but was too slow. The Sokovian flew through the air before landing on one of the safety mats at the end of the training room.

Natasha opened her mouth to praise Harley but her words were interrupted by a series of slow claps followed by footsteps.

"Very impressive, Harley."

The tired girl turned around and found herself face to face with the man she had called her Uncle for so many years.

"I have nothing to say to you, Fury." She told him before storming out of the room, shocking both Wanda and Natasha as it was the first time either of them had seen the girl react with such confidence.

Harley was fuming. How dare he! How dare he lie to her for all these years about her powers, saying that it was just the "emotional stress causing her to imagine things", and then show up weeks after she found out the truth, weeks after she needed him there.

As she grew more and more angry so did the spirits around her, but she drowned out their voices with her own thoughts.

"Harley!" Fury shouted repeatedly as he followed her through the gray hallways of the compound. The teenager just ignored him and carried on speed walking.

"Please just let me explain!"

"Explain what?!" The brunette suddenly yelled as she turned to face him. "How you lied to me my entire life and made me believe that I'm crazy?"

"It wasn't like that I swear-"

"Well that's certainly what it feels like to me."

Fury struggled to find the right words. He thought he was protecting her but he may have just lost the most important thing in his life. He was watching their bond crumble before him and there was nothing he could do to save it.

Just as Natasha and Wanda finally caught up with the pair, Harley's eyes
turned cloudy, almost white, and black mist once again formed around her body, flowing from her fingertips.

Fury's eyes grew wide as he stood frozen but Natasha was quick to reach out.

"Harley, remember what I taught you. Calm your emotions. YOU are the one in control, not them." The red head spoke in a kind but firm voice.

Harley's breath began to stutter and the lights above the group flickered. A few seconds passed before the teenager fell to her knees, the darkness around her fading away.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, still out of breath.

"Me too." Fury said as he rushed to her and brought her into a tight hug. Wanda and Natasha glanced at each other then left, giving the duo some privacy.

Harley pulled away and looked up at her father figure with a small smile.

"Let's talk."

thank you for reading ✨

-Cat <333

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