Chapter 8

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tysm NomCake you're an angel 🥺💕

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tysm NomCake you're an angel 🥺💕


Harley was just returning from a training session with Natasha, towel and water bottle in hand, when she saw Steve. He had been away with Sam in England for a week and Harley thought it was only polite to greet him since it was unlikely that anyone else here would given the tense atmosphere in the compound.

"Hello..." She said, offering him a smile and a small wave.

Steve looked up at her from his spot on the couch with tired eyes. He gave her a rather forced smile and replied "Hi."

"What's got you all doom and gloom?"

"It's nothing, Harley. Grown up stuff." He looked at the floor again.

"Yeah, I've heard that one before. I'm fifteen not five, you know." She sat down next to him.

"There's just a lot happening right now with the accords and uh..."


Steve's head shot up to look at the teenager, but her eyes were elsewhere.

"Who... who told you about her?"

Harley didn't respond, only continuing to stare at the air in front of her before suddenly kneeling in front of Steve. She held both of her hands in front of him, but he just tilted his head in confusion.

"What are you-"

"Hands." She nodded towards her outstretched hands, motioning for him to hold them.

"But why-"

Harley rolled her eyes, growing impatient. "Just do it."

The soldier gave her another confused look before completing her request. She took a deep breath before closing her eyes.

When they opened, they appeared clouded, almost completely white. She spoke again, but this time in a British accent that the blonde knew all too well.


"P-Peggy?" His eyes glazed over with tears. Oh, how he'd missed that sweet voice.

"Don't cry, my love. We both knew this was a long time coming."

"I miss you." A tear fell. "So, so much."

"I know, Steve, but you must move forward. Don't dwell too much on the past, or you'll miss the future. I'm so proud of you, and know that I will be with you even if you cannot see me. I love you, Steve."

"I l-love you too." Although he tried he couldn't stop the small sob that escaped his mouth.

Harley's head dropped as she let go of Steve's hands. When she looked back up, her eyes had returned to their usual blue colour and there was a small trail of blood under her nose, which she then wiped away with the sleeve of her sweater.

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