Chapter 5

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As of the time I'm writing this chapter this book has 102 reads like what?? It might not seem a lot but holy crap??? I just can't believe that people actually want to read this rubbish and I'm so so thankful to the people who have stuck around this far.

Thank you, I love and appreciate every single one of you <333

(also I'm sorry this chapter is so short and boring but I wanted something I could get out quickly :))


"-she's a kid, Stark, she's not one of your little lab experiments!"

"Jesus Christ," Harley thought as she slowly came back to her senses, "ever heard of using an inside voice?"

"Running a few harmless tests might help us understand how to control her powers so that nobody else gets hurt."

"Tests? Powers? Fuck. Not again." Harley attempted to open her crystal eyes to tell whoever was arguing to shut up but was met with an intense throbbing in her forehead. She groaned aloud and let her body sink further into the comfortable bed. A hospital bed?

"If you two stopped bickering like an old married couple for two seconds then you'd see that she's waking up." A femenine voice spoke this time, which Harley recognised to belong to a certain red head.

The teenager opened her eyes again and let them adjust to the bright light. As expected she saw Natasha standing in front of her. Tony and Steve also stood behind her, but she was too distracted by the cuts and bruises that covered the face of the Russian before her to notice.

"Shit, Natasha. I did that, didn't I? I'm so sorry. I can't believe I... I am so so sorry." Harley said while putting a hand over her mouth.

"Hey, hey. It's okay солнышко (sun/little sunshine) . You didn't mean to hurt me." She smiled softly at the young girl in an attempt to calm her down. Harley stopped her apologies but hung her head in shame.

"Look, kid. Is there anything you can tell us about what happened? Anything that might help us understand your... abilities?" Steve said as he stepped forwards and crossed his arms over his chest.

"All I know is there's these... voices. Some of them stick around, some don't. I used to think I was going crazy but that was until I looked them up. They're real people, all of them. They're just... not alive anymore."

"So what? You can speak to dead people?" Tony spoke up and Harley nodded her head slowly.

"Sometimes I even see them, but that's rare. The only problem is that not all of them are good. Since I'm the only person that can hear them, they like to torment me. It's some sick kind of entertainment for them. And at times when I'm weak and vulnerable they use that to their advantage and take control of me, which is what you saw when... that happened." Harley explained, pointing her finger at Natasha's face.

"I'm so sorry you have to go through that, Harley. I swear we'll do everything we can to help you." The Russian promised her.

"Harleen, I'd like to run a few tests if that's okay." Steve turned away, rolling his eyes. "Nothing painful, just a few samples and maybe an MRI so we can try and find something that will help you control this." Tony said.

"If you think it'll help then sure, why not?" Harley replied. In return the billionaire gave her a small nod and turned to leave, explaining that he'd be back after the teenager had gotten some rest.

Natasha could've sworn she heard the man mutter something like "God, Banner would've been fascinated by this." as he left.

"We'll leave you to rest." She told Harley before grabbing Steve, who still had an annoyed look on his face, by the arm and exiting the room.

Realising just how tired she was, Harley closed her eyes and fell back into a deep sleep.

**time skip**

Wanda was still traumatised from what she had heard when she was inside Harley's head. How on earth did she deal with all that energy every day? All those voices...

She also felt anxious. As much as Wanda tried not to, sometimes when reading another person's mind to help them or to gather information she'd see things she wasn't meant to see. It wasn't her fault; she just couldn't stop it, but the other person would always blame her and get angry. Harley was the only person at the tower who really understood Wanda, with them being similar ages, and she couldn't bear to lose that connection with the girl.


tanding up from her place on the couch, Wanda made her way towards the med bay with the intension of apologising to Harley. She'd been through this situation before and figured it'd be best to get the apology out of the way so that Harley could hate her and she'd no longer have her false hope.

However one look at Harley asleep and pale in that hospital bed and Wanda broke into tears. Why did this poor girl have to suffer so much?

"Why are you crying?" Came a hoarse voice, almost too quiet for Wanda to hear. Wanda looked back up at Harley and saw her staring back at her with questioning eyes.

"Please forgive me, I'm so sorry but when I put you to sleep I... I saw some of your memories. I didn't meant to, sometimes it just happens and I can't control it but-"

"Wanda it's fine." Harley interrupted her with a small smile. "If anything, I'm sorry that you had to see them."

The witch sighed and took a seat on a chair to the side of the hospital bed. She wiped her remaining tears off of her face.

"I didn't know that things were that bad for you." The Sokovian said.

"Yeah... but that's in the past now. I've got a family now, right?" Harley replied, remembering what Wanda had told her the first time they met.

"Yes." Wanda said with a smile, "A highly dysfunctional one, but a family nonetheless."

I hope you can excuse my slow updates, I'm still not used to writing so much. Thanks again for reading :)

-Cat <3

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