I Never Realized

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Okay, so maybe having a huge crush on your best friend wasn't really ideal, or easy to deal with and keep pent up for that matter. But honestly, sometimes Gamzee can make it so frustrating and difficult on most days. Like right now. He was across Karkat's room, laying down on his back with his arms thrown lazily on the carpet, his legs on the wall so his toes wiggled against the cold, grey paint while he stared at the ceiling. His black hair was a mess as usual (honestly does he even brush it?), and his shoes were by Karkat's bed with the socks tucked deep inside.

Karkat pursed his mouth into a tight line when he caught a glimpse of Gamzee's smooth stomach, exposed from the loose black shirt ruffling up. He was pale, but it was kinda nice. At least he was darker than Karkat, who looked as though he never stepped outside of the house according to his older brother, Kankri. Gamzee rolled his head back, tucking his hands underneath to serve as a pillow as he peered at Karkat.

"Hey, Kar, can I tell you somethin'?" he asked, staring intently at the boy on the bed, his eyes unblinking as he spoke, holding a tone of seriousness. Shifting into a more comfortable position, Karkat nodded at him. "Yea, sure. Whatever you need."

Gamzee mimicked Karkat, now pressing his back to the wall, staring at his feet where his jeans bunched up over the tops. Placing his hands into his lap, he mumbled into the quiet room. "I think I might be gay. Or homosexual, which ever you prefer, I guess." His gaze dropped even further, his eyelids drooped so low that anymore and they'd be closed. Karkat's heart beat frantically, fluttering in excitement at Gamzee's confession. Gamzee was gay, he liked boys. Not that his best friend had a problem with that, of course. It was astounding, actually! But...even if Gamzee did like boys that didn't mean that he had anything towards Karkat specifically. Karkat was just his best friend, end of story.

"Okay well...that's awesome Gamz. I hope you can find someone equal to you in that uh, area." Karkat internally winced. That sounded so...lame. Of all of the things he could've said and he comes out with that. Gamzee seemed like it didn't bother him, though, because he lifted his head up slightly, looking relieved. "Do you really? So it doesn't bother you?"

Scoffing, Karkat leaned over the edge of the bed, picking up his worn notebook and searching the floor for a pencil as he rolled his eyes. "Dude, you're still my best friend. Whether you're making out with a dude or some chick doesn't concern me, just so long as you don't ditch me for them every day." He replied simply, beginning to sketch out the outline of a person, wondering idly if it should be a girl this time. Wrapping his arms around his knees and resting his chin on the tops, Gamzee smiled fondly at the smaller boy, interested in the way his forehead creased slightly as he concentrated. "No problem, bro."


The next day, Karkat adjusted his backpack more comfortably on his shoulder, silently cursing at the heavy book inside that made the bag feel lopsided. He hurriedly rushed up the steps to the middle school, opening the doors and walking into the lit up halls bathed in the yellow light. Approaching his locker he could easily spot Gamzee and Tavros, laughing so hard that Gamzee had to sling an arm around Tavros's tiny shoulders to keep himself held up as the second boy snickered into his hand. Jealousy curled in Karkat's stomach uneasily. Did he really need to be all over Tavros like that? Shaking his head he decided that it wasn't that big of a deal, they were just being bros. Twisting the lock to his locker, he swung open the metal door, ignoring the chipped paint.

He unzipped his backpack and tossed in the Science book, digging around the loads of trash that Gamzee had tossed in there when Karkat wasn't paying attention and later became too lazy to clean out. He'd get to it at the end of the year. "Hiya, Kar!" Greeted the tallest boy very loudly above the noise of the other conversing students, his arm suddenly present on Karkat's shoulders. Behind him Tavros smiled shyly and wiggled his fingers at the smallest of the three. "Good morning, Karkat." Grunting in reply Karkat slammed the locker door, removing Gamzee's arm from himself. He had decided last night that if Gamzee were to swing the other way, it most definitely wasn't for him. So Karkat had to work on getting over Gamzee and get back into the safe zone of friendship.

The bell rang it's shrill call, alerting that class was to begin. Shrugging his backpack back on, Karkat walked past the pair and on his way to first period. "I'll see you guys later," he called over his shoulder. Gamzee waved excitedly to Karkat as he met up with his older brother, Kankri. Slowly Gamzee's arm lowered, not noticing that Tavros had said good bye as well.

"Oh my God, how obvious can you be? Next you'll be handing him a bouquet of roses and reciting Hamlet word for word to him." Came a voice behind him sarcastically. A figure stood beside him, their arms crossed over his chest. "Oh, shut up," Gamzee grumbled, frowning towards the old tiles. "You should know better than that, Gamzee. You know that the Vantas boys don't go in that general direction, haven't I taught you anything?"

Gamzee faced the much taller figure, a worried crease in his brow. "C'mon Kurloz, you never know for certain. Things change you know. Kankri turned you down, not Karkat. Those two are as different as the sun and moon, you just can't tell what they do and don't agree on." Kurloz placed a hand on top of Gamzee's wild hair, his fingerless skeleton gloves catching the youngest's attention. "I just don't want you hurt, Gamz. Listen, I know the feeling of being rejected by your best friend, okay? You don't need that kind of shit messing you up."

Turning away again, Gamzee noticed the second bell, signaling that the brothers were late. "Hey," he said, nudging Kurloz's ribs "Shouldn't you be up on the second floor with the other high schoolers?" Kurloz sighed, patting Gamzee on the top of his head before turning for the long trek up the stairs. His little brother was being stubborn again.

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