alright people lets get down to business, and before you start singing Mulan i want to tell you a thing. the thing being that high school is shit but you already knew that. Another thing being that i knew it would be bad but not as weird as it is.
lets begin with boys, shal we?
i called it men and i probably shouldn't have called it men but oh well. so there was the first guy.. lets call him 'toast'. Well toast and i didn't know each other that well because it had only been like a week or two of school and me coming from a private school out of the district i knew basically NO ONE. so toast, being this weird dude obsessed with zombies, always wore 2 shirts, and not the prettiest dude in the world, he had almost the exact same music taste as me so i didn't think he would be that bad.
toast and i only have one class together and that's science. my schedule got messed up and i got put into a science that i had already taken and i knew everything going into this class. in my other classes i'm accelerated or just plain bad at it *cough* Spanish *cough*. i like to get my work done and i like to get it right the first time so i don't have to do it again and bla di bla bla perfectionist. No one in this class was like that. i was put into the ghetto kids class that thought they were better than the teacher and that everyone else in the world is a bitch. fuck.
well due to my 'getting things done and out of the way' personality, me and toast didn't talk much. he some times wrote notes on paper to me and expected me to answer back. like dude that's what a phone is for if your too awkward to talk to me. one day toast another girl and i got into a conversation about relationships and i make the mistake of saying 'oh i never had a boyfriend before' FUUUUUCCCKK. well didn't i get myself into shit.
toast walks up to me, in the ONLY class we have together and the ONLY time i see him during the day. toast hands me this piece of paper that says
"dear *insert name*, i know you've never been asked this before but, do you wanna go out? *smile face* -toast"
EXCUSE YOU TOAST BUT I HAVE BEEN ASKED THAT BEFORE. WHY DO YOU THINK I NEVER HAD A BOYFRIEND. its not because everyone just thought i had the face of the new ugly Betty. no no my dear toast, i am a heart breaker and i am also very stupid because there was one thing i didn't understand about the new modern language of the everyday high school student.
go out meant 'be my girlfriend'. oh
well me being the idiot and old soul i am i though toast actually meant take me out to McDonald's or something. NOPE he wanted me to be his nice little quiet girlfriend. hell no. well i said yeas to the guy.
this went on for about a week before someone on my tennis team said 'so *insert name here* you have a boyfriend?'
what do you mean i have a boyfriend? i don't have a boyfriend. OH YES I DID APPARENTLY.
i proceeded to write a note to toast saying
'dear toast, you know this thing that we have apparently? yeah its kind of over. we are done. you make me uncomfortable, we don't even know each other that well, and I'm getting a lot of unwanted attention. so yeah bye bro.'
after the realization had hit toast that i wasn't having this shit, he told everyone in that science class. i am now kind of the science class-smart-bitch that everyone wants to copy off of. woohoo. buy hey, my teacher likes me and guess who has the highest grade in the class... NONE OF THOSE SUCKERS.
Teen Fictionwell climb aboard onto the roller coaster that is life and lets explore the inner tracks of my brain and try to find that one place that wont stop playing that song. thank you for your time.