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It was like a year ago since I haven't visited my uncle and aunt. The company which is YG entertainment called me after my uncle,my aunt and I were having fun from the Namsan Tower in the car.

They said that I got accepted and I should pack my bags and start to train in the next few days. My heart pounding and the news of I'm getting into YG creates a huge smile on my face.

I can't control because I was jubilant at that time until I can't sleep on the night. But at the same time, leaving my uncle and aunt makes me sad.

I remember he said " Summer, good luck in your future. Train well and achieve your goal and don't forget education is also important." I can't help but the tears formed from my eyes.

I go to school everyday learning korean language seems I'm from Canada and I can't speak korean very well. After school, I go to YG trainees building to train.

My trainees life sounds boring. Yes it is but because my passion to become a singer, it seems fun to me although it is very tiring and I don't get enough sleep.

" Summer, stop daydreaming. Let's train your vocal right now. " The vocal trainer, hyojin called me from the training room. It's 3.30 and I just got back from the school and now I have vocal lesson. It is my favourite time on the trainee life seems my singing and rapping is better than dancing.


Thank god the vocal class just ended. I'm starving. I walk to YG cafeteria to get some food but someone just stop me from my back. I turn around and I saw Jennie Kim.

Yes Jennie Kim the leader of the new gg group. I heard the rumors and I can't wait for their debut. She's beautiful. I heard that their group's debut was postpone because of a boy group..... I don't really remember it.....

" Anneyoenghaesayo ah~~ Unnie " I bow down 90° seems she is my senior.

" Ahhhh anneyoeng! You don't have to do that. Just use informal with me" She smiled. She's really pretty.

"Summer, Mr Yang is calling all the trainees at the training room. I don't know why....." Wait why? What do I have to do with that? Im starving but oh well. I walk to the training room with Jennie beside me.

Pushing the door with my hearts beating faster than usual oh cmon who don't get nervous when meeting Mr Yang. I saw Mr Yang waiting with several trainees which is just girls. I bow down to Mr Yang and greet him politely.

"You must be shocked why I'm calling you girls right now. As you guys know iKON will be debuting and the next girl group will be debuting. But the problem is the new gg didn't have enough members to debut so I decided to put one more member in it. "

Is Mr Yang is sick? He really likes survival game. Oh and now I remember its iKON. I never meet them so I don't know who is the members. They will seperate the trainees by gender and I don't watch Mix and Match because I don't have time for that. I was to busy with school and training.

Everyone seem shocked. By I mean everyone the confirmed member and 3 another girls trainees which is including me. So I have a competition seems the other 2 have been a trainees like 2-3 years waiting to debut and I have only 1 year training experience only. But that doesn't mean I can't debut right????

" You have 3 months to prove yourself that you can debut. Seems the new gg have 3 confirmed member and the three of you will get help by the other members of new gg and iKON. I will revealed it tomorow . thank you. " Everyone bow to Mr Yang. He walk towards the door and the 2 trainees seems confusing and awkward.

Jennie as a leader starts the conversation. She introduced herself and then the other members too. The trainees introduced themselves then I introduce myself.

It is weird and awkward. I rarely know them. I don't really makes friend here because I can't approach myself and I'm so busy training by my self.


The next day

I reach at the YG training building first and no ones here. I enter the training room and while waiting for them I put random song from the computer that YG provide in the room. The staff take my phone and doesn't give me permission to use them so I can focus in my training.

All of me by John Legend start. It is instrumental only so I can record my voice and hear them.

What would I do without your smart mouth

Drawing me in and you kicking me out

Got my head spinning no kidding

I can't pin you down

What's goin on with that beautiful mind

I'm your magical mystery ride

And I'm so dizzy don't know what hit me

But I'll be alright.....

My heads underwater but I'm breathing find

you're crazy and out of my mind

Cause all of me loves all of you loves your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imper-

I suddenly stop when I saw the girls and Mr Yang come in. They heard me but they didn't stop me. I stop because I can feel the door is open.I stop the music and I bow to Mr Yang.

"Alright you should start your training today. I divide the three of you into the groups. Now Sun-Hi with Hanna and from the iKON member, Bobby and Chanwoo. I put the two of you with Bobby because I want the two of you learn rapping and vocal with them seems the two of you are lacking in rapping in singing."

Wait.... That Bobby guys seem familiar.....

Mr Yang continues "Sook-Jo with Lalice, Junhoe and Jinhwan. Sook-Jo and Lalice are lacking in vocal so I want you to learn more." Eh that guy. That Junhoe...... Oh shit.

" Summer, Jisoo, Yunhyeong and Donghyuk are in a team. Summer and Jisoo should learn dancing with them since you are lacking with that. B.I, Jinhwan, Jennie and EunB will see the process of your training. I do this because you guys and girls can help each other..You should start now and I see you the end of the month. Thankyou. "

With that, Mr Yang exit the room and everything is so quiet and awkward.Junhoe saw me and he tried to talk to me but Jinhwan pull his shirt trying to discuss with the team members.

Shit. Junhoe. Now I remember him.

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