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I was in my room brushing out my hair and listening to music about to leave to go see Alex. It was pouring outside. I was about to grab my phone and leave when my door opened.

"There's a severe weather warning and dad told me to tell you that he wants us all downstairs." My sister; Janie announced.

I sighed. Figures. I moped downstairs. I sat on the couch downstairs and pouted.

"Why do you look so pissed off?" My dad asked.

"Because I originally made plans to go see my b-... my friend." I quickly stopped myself from saying boyfriend by the end.

"Well there's a tornado warning. We're not letting you leave." My mom said.

"Is this 'friend' a giiiirlfriend?" Janie asked trying her best to annoy me.

"No they're not."

And it was working. I was getting more annoyed by the moment. Every time she comes back from college she continually tries to piss me off.

"Oh good! Cause my friend has a little sister your age who's a perfect match!" She cheered. Our parents just sat back and enjoyed the show.

"That doesn't mean I'm single!" I hissed.

"So you are dating someone!?" She gasped. "Little Olli has a girlfriend!" I looked down.

"Girlfriend." I whispered to myself in a disappointed tone.

"What's her name? What's she like?" She kept asking.

"Janie, he obviously doesn't want to talk about it." My mom stopped her.

"Why not?" My dad asked.

"Jake!" My mom whisper yelled.

I just walked back upstairs. I don't care if the tornado comes. I ran to my room and called Alex.

"Hey Olli. Are you guys doing okay?" He answered the phone.

"Physically, yes. Mentally, no." I sighed.

"Shit, what happened?" He asked.

"We had to go downstairs. And Janie was talking about how me and her friend's sister would be a perfect match. I said that I wasn't single, and she kept implying that I have a girlfriend. So I eventually had enough and went back up to my room." I explained.

"Go back downstairs. You're gonna get hurt." He insisted. "And if they bring it up again, just tell them. I believe in you."

"But what if they don't except that I'm g-"

"Nope. Negativity isn't allowed here. Now just go down there, and tell them the truth. Now." He demanded. "I'll see you tomorrow."

With that, he hung up. I got into my dresser and got out a bag of edibles. I debated if I wanted to go on a trip or not. My dad then walked in. He saw what I was holding. I froze.

"Did you steal my edibles?" He hissed.

"You do this?" I asked. He thought for a second.

"I won't take them away, as long as we never mention this to mom. Deal?" He implied. I agreed. "And don't go on a trip right now. Don't get fucked up in times like this. It's just a stupid idea." We soon went back downstairs.

"Sorry for pressuring you about talking about your girlfriend." Janie apologized. It was now the time.

"You can't pressure me to do something that's literally impossible to do." I shrugged.

"What?" She was confused.

"I don't have a girlfriend. I have a boyfriend. I'm gay." I elaborated. My dad jumped up and looked at my mom.

"Ha! I fucking told you!" He cheered.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"When you were 4 I told your mom that I thought you were gay. She punched me and ignored me for the rest of the day." He explained. "It was the same day that to was questioning if Janie was mine, meaning that me and her mom are the stupidest people I know when it comes to academics."

"What? But mom's very smart." Janie said. Mom and dad gasped when they realized what dad just said.

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