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the 66th annual
hunger games
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"You know the drill." Finnick was standing behind her, fingers running through her hair and parting it down the middle in preparation for some braids. "If your name gets picked, cry as hard as you can. No one will volunteer for you, so you need to make it seem like you're weak."

They were down by the beach, hiding amongst the trees along the sand and away from the water. They had gone for a swim before until their hands and feet went wrinkly from the water, and their lips capped from the salt in it. They were hesitant to get out, for all the time he spent at home, going swimming and fishing with her, he spent more time in the capital. She hated that the games took him away.

"As if they're going to get my name." Lyra let herself relax in her friends' motions as he started to do one French braid on the right side of her head, starting at the bottom of her hair and braiding upwards. "My name's only in there six times as opposed to some of the other kids my age."

When he got to where he needed, he took a firm hold and gave a short tug to get her attention making her let out a little grunt.

"You've been lucky, that doesn't mean you won't get picked." He tied the half he tugged and let the front chunk stay loose as he went on to work on the other half of her head.

"I know, Finn." She could tell he smiled at the nickname, making quick work of the braid and starting on the front, making sure they all lined up into the pigtails. "But you're acting like I've already been picked."

"I'm sorry." He tied off the first one, letting the hair flow freely, and concentrating on the next. "I'm just worried."

"I get that." She said. "You won last year, and you haven't been the same."

"It's not just that." He tied off the second one and turned her to face him. "I'm... I'm just worried."

While they were the same age, Finnick had grown much taller than Lyra over the last year, he was a head taller than her now and Lyra had to look up at him. He lightly traced the scar on the left side of her face, red in colour and it reminded him of lightning. He always hated the way it happened, finding her washed up on the shore with her mother's body face down in the sand and Lyra only barely breathing. He saved her life that day, they were nine at the time and when she didn't come home from a fishing trip with her mother the day before, he slept on the beach to wait for her.

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"Welcome, welcome, welcome!" District Fours escort, Valenteñya, was waving her hands around as the children in front of her clapped. "Happy Hunger Games everyone! May the odds be ever in your favour!"

Lyra made eye contact with Finnick on stage and mockingly mouthed the predictable words to him, making him smile. Valenteñya was the escort for Finnicks games last year, although Lyra probably wouldn't have guessed it was her due to the lack of bright blue skin. This year she had her normal brown skin, a black bob that was so straight Lyra thought it might've been a plastic bowl, and a full-body suit of fishnet stockings with black lingerie, and matching black stiletto's.

"Let's get down to business and see who will be honouring District Four in the sixty-sixth Annual Hunger Games! Ladies First!" She was very expressive this year, with excessive arm waving and somehow an even squeakier voice that made Lyra lose interest in everything she was doing. "Lyra Marlon!"

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