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the 67th annual
hunger games
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"Willow Amberstone!"

Briar Hemlock was taller than other kids in his age group, an unfortunate growth spurt that left him with some temporary stretch marks on his back. Since then, he'd been working the lumber and he's grown stronger, as well earning money to eat properly so now he actually looked healthy. Some of his friends commented that he should use some of that money to get a haircut and Briar joked he looked better with his flowing locks.

"Briar Hemlock!"

His friend turned to him with wide and fearful eyes, patting Briar's shoulder as he sighed. "Fuck."

He must've been taking too long because some peacekeepers had him by the arms and started dragging him to the stage. Probably because last year Oaklynn, the female tribute, tried making a run for it. As he was being dragged, his feet scraping along the concrete (because why not get a free ride while he was at it), he reminded himself that he needed to thank Lyra Marlon if he saw her.

They arrived in the capital, Blight explaining how their training will go and Titus, their escort, happily explaining how they can eat as much food as they want while they stayed here. Titus was a bit clueless, despite his obvious old age, and from what Briar could tell, he wore an out of date fashion for the capital. According to Blight, that was what made him a favourite among some of the victors, his mood carefree and helpful.

Briar didn't get the chance to talk to Willow throughout their whole time, but he knew he was going to take the chance the second they got into the training facility. On their way over, just before they went through the doors, they saw some of the other victors standing at the doors and sending their tributes off. He recognised Lyra Marlon and Finnick Odair immediately, Finnick standing closely behind her and when their tributes walked through the doors, she leaned back into him, his arms coming up to wrap around her shoulders, so she could rest her chin on them. He leaned his head down, whispering something to her that Briar couldn't hear, but he assumed it was something comforting due to her nodding and turning her head to the side for him to place a kiss on her forehead.

Before they passed them, he turned to her, getting her attention.

"You're Lyra, right?" He asked, Finnick tensing his arms a little around Lyra and looking to Blight.

"Yeah, I am." She replied, rubbing his arms with her thumbs.

"I wanted to thank you." He said with a small smile.

"For what?" She frowned, her head tilting to the side.

"For body slamming Oaklynn into those rapids last year." He heard a snort of laughter come from behind him but watched as Lyra looked at him with confusion.

It melted away when she realised who he was talking about and she let out a chuckle, leaning her head back a bit onto Finnick's chest, who was also laughing lightly.

"I take it she wasn't a favourite of yours?" She asked, smiling at him.

"She kicked my shins every time she saw me, and she knocked out one of my friends in the woods and left her to die." He replied with a shrug. "You body slamming into her into those rapids was the highlight of your games for me."

"People usually say the winning kill is their favourite." She frowned at him again.

"Okay, winning kill is usually a given, sure, but you still need an honourable mention." He said, somehow being very casual about the whole thing.

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