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"I want you guys to forget everything you think you know about the games." Haymitch said, pouring an amber liquid into his glass as Peeta watches him and Katniss moves her food around on her plate with a blank look. "Last year was child's play. This year, you're dealing with all experienced killers."

"Alright. What does that mean for us?" Peeta asked, sitting up in his seat, looking to Katniss to see if she was going to pay attention.

It reminded him of when they were first reaped the year before, how Peeta ended up having to drag a drunk Haymitch from his room, so he could actually get some training in.

"That means you're gonna have to have some allies." There was a small pause where Peeta nodded his head in agreement.

"Okay. I think that if-" He started but was interrupted by Haymitch waving his hands a little.

"Woah. You're not the problem." Haymitch points to Katniss with the hand holding his drink, signalling that she was, in fact, going to be a problem with making friends.

"No." She responds, not even needing to look up to see who he was pointing at.

"Look, you're starting at a disadvantage." Haymitch takes a seat and brings it closer to them to get Katniss's attention. "Most of these people have been friends for years."

"That just puts us higher in their kill list." Katniss says aggressively and not wanting to relent in her position about allies.

"Do it your own way, but I know these people." Haymitch holds his hand up in defence. "You go it alone; their first move is gonna be to hunt you down. Both of you. You're going up against some of the most ruthless victors in history and most of them will have an absolute ball killing you."

"Katniss come on." Peeta said, stepping in to try and make her understand, not doubting what Haymitch said for a second.

"How could any of us even trust each other?" She said, after a moment of hesitation. Folding her arms over her chest in discomfort and looking to Haymitch for genuine guidance.

"It's not about trust, it's about staying alive."

Haymitch moved to stand in front of a screen, showing the victors of district one being reaped.

"Cashmere and Gloss, brother and sister, District 1. They won back to back games. Capitol favourites. Lots of sponsors. They would be lethal." Haymitch lists before the screen changes to another man stepping up to Cashmere and standing next her, facing the crowd with a charming smile. "If Octavius hadn't volunteered in his place."

"Why would he do that?" Peeta asked, the man looked a little lanky despite coming from a district with Careers.

Octavius had brown hair with a little curl, he was taller than Gloss, with a sharp jawline, kind eyes, and he wore an oversized yellow jumper. Something very simple despite the luxurious district.

"No idea." Hamitch answered, shaking his head while eying the man as he waved to the camera. "He grew up in an orphanage in One, hence the absence of a last name, and when he won, he went and got the best education the capital and District One could offer. And because of that education, none knows tracker jacker venom better than him, and equally their mind games. He's also the reason the dead bodies are removed from the arena now."

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