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I walk nervously towards the receptionist and ask where should I get a interview. She smile before she ask what is my name.

"Eun Dan-oh" i said with a smile. She nod and type something on her computer, she's beautiful. Minutes after she turn around and walk through the corner where the telephone placed. She pressed some button and she wait patiently for the answer. She said someone will have a interview, minutes after she came back and said "please follow me" i nod my head and follow her towards the elevator.

She pressed 16th floor, we wait until we reach our destination. She lead our way  still smiling. We walk through the big hallway.

While walking I look around there was a lot of paints, it looks like expensive one. That no one can afford it. Seconds after we reach the biggest door with the name on it. I was about the name but the receptionist called me, turning towards her she knock three times seconds after we heard a faint voice "come in" with that the receptionist open the door she let me to get inside first and I thank her.

I walk in the first i saw was a boy who have his eyes on his laptop. I heard the door close behind me. The receptionist quickly went beside his table and reach oit her hand with a resume file, he look up and smile to her before he gladly took it from her. She bow her head walk towards the door not forgetting to smile at me before she closed the door.

I smile and wave before she closed the door. "You may take your sit" he suddenly say with smile on his face pointing the chairs in front of his large table. I bow and immediately sit in front of his table. I smile awkwardly. He's handsome. I thought

"My name is Yoon Jeonghan if you see my name outside on my door" he said still smiling at me like an angel. "Oh my name is Eun Dan-oh" i said he just nod his head and start to read my files.

Minutes after in how many question he ask he stood up still with his angelic smile, i look at him first not knowing what is he gonna do. I stood up and he reach out his right hand and I took it without knowingly he smile again "congratulation you can start tomorrow" he smile widely

I smile widely feeling happy i bow multiple time "thank you so much!" I said "I hope i can see you here tomorrow then?" he ask i nod my head quickly. Seconds after he offer to send me towards the door I reject his offer but he still gonna send me to the door.

He open the door for me "thank you again Mr. Yoon" i said bowing my head. He laugh lightly and nod his head. I close the door behind me with wide smile on my face. I know i look like crazy person but i can't  help it.

I walk out to the company not forgetting to thanks the receptionist who guide me earlier. I walk towards my car and drive off to my house.

I live alone cause my parents have a business trip. I always alone but i have my maid who take care of our house. I quickly park my car outside our house "I'm home" i said to my maida they bow and i smile. "I'll prepare your dinner maam, i frown "i said don't call me that" i said and pout " just call me dani" i said smiling she nod and went to the kitchen maybe preparing my dinner. I went up to my room and did my routine i change to my pj's and went down to eat my dinner.

After an hour i was on my room at my, i walk to my walk-in-closet to prepare my outfit for tomorrow's first day.

I brush my teeth and went to bed.

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So this is my house

And this is my room

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And this is my room

And my walk-in-closet

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And my walk-in-closet

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