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-Dan-oh POV-
I knock my finger to the door and slowly open the door, i look over Mr. Jeon and girl. He look at me with no emotion i honestly feel scared because my first day was fail. I walk towards him and bow lightly.

"I'm sorry Mr. Jeon, i was late" i bow again but this time was 90 degrees bow. Standing up from his chair and walk beside his table which is in front of me, "it's okay but don't do that again because we have so much to do right now, be thankful that Seungcheol's  secretary was here to submit something." I turn to her and bow, she smile to me and returning the bow "I'm Jung Somin" she take  out her hand and I quickly accept it "Eun Dan-oh" i said smile sweet to her, she seems nice i thought.

"Hi Ms. Eun" she greet to me, meanwhile Mr. Jeon clear his throat we bow again to him. "Thank you Ms. Jung you may take your leave" he said sitting back to his office chair. "Ah yes Mr. Jeon" she bowed towards him smile to me before leaving.

I sat back to my chair and continue doing my paper works.

Hours passed by it's already 6pm, i turn towards Mr. Jeon seems focus to his paper works. And theb suddenly he speaks out " you out is 6:30pm" that makes me  stuttered me. "Ah yes" 'how did he know that i was thinking that?' I question myself but just shrug it off and continue my work.

Time skip

We walk through the hallways stop in front of elevator, i quickly press the botton going, i was keeping what Mr. Yoon said.

While walking with Mr. Yoon he suddenly said that " You know Wonwoo was strict he wants you to follow him whenever he is as a secretary" he said emphasizing the 'secretary'  i nod my head sipping on my coffee "hm, and always be alert when he called you, and also be onward he ask or not be onwards he more likes the person to be like that." He said smiling towards me "oh really? Then maybe i will be more alert" i said giggling he laugh
*end flashback*

The sound of elevator cut my thoughts we enter the elevator together with his guard, and one of his guard pressed the P botton which makes Mr. Jeon turn to me, i raise both my brows questioning what is it.

"Do you at least have a car?" He ask, i smile before answering his question "yes I have a car. Why Mr. Jeon" i ask he looks away and shaking his head saying nothing. I quietly bod my head and seconds after we arrive at the parking lot, under the building. I walk him towards his car there was a man waiting for him opening his door, maybe his driver. And beside his driver there was a boy who looks unfamiliar.

"Oh looks like our wonwoo is having his secretary now huh?" He said giggling "shut up Seokmin" he said turning towards me i quickly gave him a sweet smile "you can go now Secretary Eun" Mr. Jeon said "no it's okay Mr. Jeon you can go first" "Oh~ so her name is? Eun? Am i right?" Seokmin? ask " i bow towards him " Hello! I'm Eun Dan-oh" i smile sweet to him "Seokmin, Lee Seokmin or Dk for short" he smile smiling brightly to me taking out his hand for hand shake. I accept his hand making Mr. Jeon clear his throat again.

"Mr. Lee" he said "what/huh?" Me and seokmin answer at the same time. He sigh and turn towards me "call him Mr. Lee" " ah yes" i bow apologizing to him and to Mr. Lee "no no it's okay you can call me dk if we were not in office" he said still smiling to me. "Yeah whatever" Mr. Jeon said which makes me shock i never knew Mr. Jeon has this side.

"I'm off, see you tomorrow morning Ms. Eun, wait for me before 7 at main" he said not even looking at me, i nod and bow before he enter his car. The driver close his door and bow towards seokmin and i before entering the driver sit"

We watch Mr. Jeon car off "well you have to go home Ms. Eun i guess you have to be here early morning" he said turn to face me, i smile and bow to him "have a safe drive Mr. Lee" i said smiling towards him and walk to my car not far away from where we was " I said call me dk!" He shout playfully loud enough make an echo to the whole parking lot. I smile and opening my car, drive safety to my home.

Entering my house greet by my parents, "how's your work princess?" My dad ask "it's fine dad just a little tiring" i smile sweetly to them "go get shower and go down here because diner is ready" my mom said touching my cheeks "alright mom i'll be back" i said kissing their cheeks.

I did my routine and when i'm done i go down stairs to eat after that i brush my teeth and get ready for bed.

Hey! New updated again!~ please don't forget to like and follow me!~ :)) stay safe everyone! ♡

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