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-Dan oh POV-
The meeting still going on. It's been 1 half hr now, the meeting it's too serious. I look at Mr. Jeon who really focus on their meeting. His right hand is holding a pen and other hand is flipping a page infront of him.

And finally the meeting have finished, but end up having a business trip with Mr. Jeon to make a deal in face to face to the other company that paired up with. At first they said all of us will go, but arguement happens between Mr. Boo and Mr. Lee Seokmin, they argue about who will deal to the other company.

But the Jeon i think is in bad mood, he clear that both of us will go instead all of them. Because they're too crowed when it comes to that situation. At first i got shock face, of course this is my first business trip especially with Mr. Jeon.

After the meething everyone groan, some if them stretching their back and arms, i smile silently looking at the boys, i giggled again when i heard Mr. Boo and Lee still argue about the meeting earlier. I think they both still not moving on, i shook my head and look towards Mr. Jeon who sitting his chair, his eyes are fix on me already. I clear my throat and stand still.  I bow towards him and lead  right hands to the door.

"Let's go?" I ask him, he only stand up and nod his head and walk off through the door. I quickly get his things on his table since it'a my job as his secretary. I walk fast try to reach Mr. Jeon's back.

~business trip~
Today me and Mr. Jeon will be leaving seoul, i got all my need and emergency needs of Mr. Jeon. Before i can push my  small suitcase i felt my phone vibrate.

Mr. Jeon: I'll be waiting at the company.

: ah yes.

Turning off my phone and making sure that i put inside my bag, checking one more time the needs and i'm off.

15mins later

I finally reach the company, i park my car and get my things out of my car then ran towards the entrance. Just then i release someone pulled his hands out looking up to see Mr. Yoon.

"Oh, good morning Mr. Yoon!" I said cheerfully not forgetting to smile towards him. "You seems struggle to you suitcase huh?" He said smiling "let me help you" he said then grab my suitcase. But begore he can grab it "no no it's okay mr. Yoon, i can manage" i said pulled my suitcase closer "you sure?" "Really sure" i gave him reassuring smile then bow to say goodbye "have a safe trip!" He said as i walk shaking my head.

I finally reach mr. Jeon m, hands on his both pockets and have sunglasses "oh you're here" "ah yes i'm sorry i'm little late, just mr. Yoon came out of my way" i said looking at him. He so handsome and hot- what the hell dani?? Hot?

I was snatch back to reality when mr  jeon said something. "I'm sorry sir, what?" I ask "i ask if you have all the documents that we need there?" He said taking off his sunglasses and look at me.

"A-ah, yes i have it" "good, now shall we go?" He ask "yeah" i said smiling. All his guard grab out suitcase then guide us towards the elevator. I look at them confused. "We're going up the rooftop" i heard mr. Jeon said "w-what?" Oh the hell why i always shuttered "we'll take my private jet" "ah i see" as i said i heard ding it means we're arrived at the office, we walk out to only meet Mr. Yoon, Mr. Xu and Mr. Kim talking.

"Oh hyung!" Mr. Kim said oh such a puppy.   "have a safe trip you two" Mr. Xu said smiling towards me. Me and Mr. Jeon only nod our head and proceed to walk upstairs through the rooftop.

Guard open the door of rooftop, we greeted by the strong wind, we proceed to walk towards the private jet i can see the guards put our suitcase at the back, the other guard opened up for us and Mr. Jeon first got in, once i step a hand pulled in front of me i look up only to meet Mr. Jeon's eyes we're focusing on me.

I gladly take his hands and he guides us  inside, the private jet was not that big just perfectly for 6 persons, we are already sited, Mr. Jeon was sitting across of me. We settled for a minute then a two flight attendant walked towards us,

"Good morning Mr. Jeon can i get you something or need something?" She ask kindly, mr. Jeon who was already reading his book that he always bring, only shake his head telling nothing. And the other girl smiled towards me. "Ms.?" "Ah, no i'm fine" i said and smiled towards her. They only nod their head and bowed proceed to where they sited.

After of couple of minutes we're ready to take off.

An hour later...

I look over to Mr. Jeon who's now looking outside the window, just in my mind, i take out the papers that he have to sign it.

"Mr. Jeon this is the papers that you'd ask, just sign it" i said politely, he put his book down that have been holding and place it beside him, he rise his right hand and seconds after a man came to us and something pulled above our window and seconds after a table maybe slowly pulled down completely touching the ground, i was still amazed but still played cool.

I heard Mr. Jeon clear his throat ah yea the papers. I pushed it towards him and he got his pen inside his tuxedo pocket. He was all focused so i read the papers that maybe some mistakes, and gladly doesn't have.

After a couple of minutes mr. Jeon is now done i gathered neatly the papers and put it inside the envelope. I look up to see Mr. Jeon is now reading again his book, i just my head try to distract myself for looking outside the window.

Hi!! Sorry for the long wait! I don't have much time for update because of my some works, so yeah! And sorry for the wrong grammars!! Will edit after this stories end!! Thank you again and don't forget to vote and comment! God bless!! Stay safe everyone!!! :))

-love author-nim

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